
In Brazilia-DF (Brazil), there is a Governor. Why Wasington, DC not have a Governor? Thanks.?

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I know that Washington has Mayor, but why has no a Governor in the Place of the Mayor?

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  1. The above is correct.  Only states get a governor.  You're right, cities do get mayors and DC does have theirs but Washington, DC is also the capital.  They get to be home to a number of government officials and agencies - like the President, Vice President, Congressmen, Judges and more and offices like the Department of Justice, Department of Interior, Department of the Treasury and then some.  (With all that going on and all those legislators, executives, judiciaries and so on, it could be argued there's hardly room for a governor.)

  2. Governors are only for states. There are 50 states in the U.S. and Washington D.C. is not one of them. Washington D.C. is more like a city and since mayors are in charge of cities, Washington D.C. has a mayor but no governor.

  3. Brazilia is counted as a state DC is counted as a city.

  4. As implied above, the Federal District in Brazil has always enjoyed the status of a state.  Since it is, effectively, a state, It has a governor.  The District of Columbia (DC), however, is not a state; consequently, it cannot have a governor.

    What is not made clear is that Brasília, because it has the legal status of a state, is entitled to elect representatives to the [Brazilian] Federal Congress.  The District of Columbia, however, does not have the legal status of a state; consequently, it is entitled to not even one VOTING representative in the US Congress.

    There have been a few initiatives to grant statehood to the citizens of DC so that they could enjoy the right to elect their own representatives.  If DC were to become a state, it would have a governor, like Brasília.  For DC to become a state, the US Constitution must be amended.  It has not been amended because of opposition from the Republican Party.  This party represents very badly the interests of poor people and lower-paid working classes.  Since, historically, black Americans have been much poorer than white Americans, black Americans vote about 90% for the Democratic Party.  The population of DC is about 70% black.  As a result, if DC were to gain statehood, Republicans are afraid that more Democratic representatives (specifically, two senators and one representative [deputado]) would be elected to Congress.

    As long as the Republicans have enough votes to prevent a Constitutional amendment that would grant statehood to DC, its people will not have their own voting representatives in Congress and it will have a mayor, not a governor.

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