
In California, How can you check your renters records for past evictions

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In California, How can you check your renters records for past evictions




  1. Look at court records.

    Ask potential tenants to provide past rental history. Try contacting their previous landlords for feedback.

  2. You're a very smart landlord, and I would have asked the same thing, you don't want somebody whose going to scam you, they can live in your house for around six months without paying. My mom is a real estate agent. :P

  3. Their credit report should show it.

  4. I don't think there is a central data base. Evictions are served by the court with jurisdiction. That is why you ask for references and check them. You can use, but it may not show evictions and is costly, unless you have a lot of units. If the person lived nearby before, I would verify their references in person if possible. You really don't know who is on the phone.

  5. If you know where they lived before, you can check the local courthouse records.  In some states, you can check on line.  Call your local housing court clerk and ask whether the info is available on line in California.  If not, it's a lot of work.

  6. We use as company called Pacific Screening. We do it on line for a small fee.

    I don't know for sure if they are available outside of Oregon, but you can check on that.

    If they are Oregon only - I'm sure there is a similar company servicing California.

  7. I check their credit report (most will be there) and do a quick check for them in the court records, including other lawsuits.

    Verify that their addresses match up to their credit report and call their previous landlords.   You can also look up the owners of the previous addresses on their credit report and ask them.    I always look up landlord phone numbers myself.   I have had people give me friends numbers or skip some landlords that were not so thrilled with them.

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