
In California, do you HAVE to make a right turn against a red light?

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I almost got into a deadly accident. I'm very thankful the guy behind me slammed his breaks at the right time. I know it's completely my fault and I really need help on this.

When I come to a red light I know I can make a right turn, but do I HAVE to? I don't feel like I can make a safe right turn on a red light yet. Can I just wait for it to turn green and then go? What if some car behind me is honking and they want me to go? Will I get in trouble if I don't do it? Please help, I don't ever want to make the same mistake again! Thanks.




  1. You are under NO obligation to make a right turn on red. In fact, many corners in San Francisco and elsewhere are marked "no turn on red" (and it gets ignored all the time).

    If he hits you from behind, it's his fault 99% of the time, as long as your brake lights are working properly and you are stopped with foot on the brakes.

    Don't worry about the honkers. As my grandma says, "they must be in a hurry to get reincarnated."

  2. noope not at all. it is your choice and if the person behind you honks, ignore them. but if you can make a right turn on red, you have to go to a full stop, otherwise you'll get a ticket. I've seen people not turn right when it's red, and it was totally fine.

  3. I'm not sure what the laws are in CA but when I learned how to drive I was taught that you can turn right on red after coming to a complete stop as along as there is a No Turn On Red sign.  However, you have to yield to oncoming traffic.  In response to the guy who is honking at you from behind.  If you are not comfortable with any situation then don't go.  You could put yourself and others in danger if you are not comfortable.

  4. No, you don't.

    It's not your fault.  The guy behind you had to slam on his brakes because he was talking on the phone or something, not paying attention to the car ahead of him stopped at the red light.

    He honked because he wanted you to feel responsible so he wouldn't have to.

    Don't let 'em intimidate you.

  5. Yes you can wait until the light turns green, it is your options...

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