
In California, if a person gets arrested illegally crossing into the country , how long before they deport?

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This person was already deported once a little over a year ago. Also, Will they make him do jail time for that?




  1. Most likely they would just re-instate the prior deportation and send them right back. If prosecute for re-entering after deportation he could get 5 years in federal prison.

  2. 6 years

  3. A person who has previously been deported and barred from re-entry who re-enters during the period of their ban can be imprisoned for up to 20 years.  He will do jail time with an immigration hold and mandatory deportation.  If he has any criminal convictions in addition to immigration violations, either misdemeanor or felony, he will have to complete all jail terms for those prior convictions (i.e. if he got out on parole, he goes back for the balance of his sentence) in addition to the immigration sentence.

  4. Is anyone really in California legally?

  5. Probably never. Tell your friend to hurry up and p**p out an anchor baby. Then she is safe.

  6. Federal guidelines call for incarceration for 8 months then deportation

  7. weeks maybe even months!!! IN FACKING JAIL!!!

  8. about 72 hrs, if habitual they will recommend time , either way it cost money.

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