
In Canada, do High School and College football teams play under the CFL rules or American rules?

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I am curious to whether they use the 100 yard field with 10 yard end zones or if they use they 110yd and 20 yard end zones and whether they play with 11 or 12 man teams




  1. It all depends on the school, univeristy or collage. Many of the educational insitutes play under the CFL rules with 3 downs, 110 yards, etc.

    There are some schools that do play the American rules, such as in BC.

    The decision of which rules are used are decided by the league that the schools are in. Factors that are included are type of injuries from last year, number of players, etc.

  2. cfl

  3. You american idiots. Answer questions you can answer. I play highschool football in CANADA. We played with 4 downs, 100 yard field same rules as the NFL. However, as of this year the coaches can vote if they would like to switch to 3 downs the tradition canadian way. In highschool its the centre that votes on how they play it usually depending on class and ****. College tho, is CFL based and is g*y as h**l

  4. Now why would you even think that the college and high school teams wouldn't play under rules at least similar to the CFL.  Anything else just wouldn't make sense.  You Americans, and I assume you are American, have to start thinking or realizing there is a world outside of the USA!!!!

  5. Canadians, chill out (especially Jamie)! Why do you think all Americans are arrogant jerks? The dude was just asking a question. At least some of us Americans are interested in Canadian sports and sports though out the rest of the world. I always thought the Canadian rules were kind of cool it promotes more passing and I have also wondered if similar rules were used through all levels of Canadian football.

  6. CFL dude

  7. We use cfl based rules, 12 men 110yd 20 yd endzones.

    The main reason that we use this is because Canadian football is alot more exiting then american :)

  8. I'm pretty sure when I played high school football here in Hamilton (Catholic Board 1996-2001) we had 4 downs, though all of the other rules were the same as the CFL.

    I'm not 100% sure about that but pretty close.

  9. In Canada, they play 3 downs. They pass more, and the field is longer and wider.There is also an extra man on the field.

  10. In Canada for high school and other outside leagues they play Canadian rules with 4 downs. So basically the rules are Canadian they have12 man teams but they use four downs on offense.

    However for college they play using CFL rules with 3 downs also.

  11. They play under CFL rules on the same size of field with 3 downs to make 10 yards and a 1 point for kicking it through the end zone.

  12. When I as younger playing football, we aim for the CFL, not the NFL but nowadays it is either one so I can only assume that the CFL rules are applied for the Canadian colleges and universities - high schools ?? Not sure.but growing up it was the CFL.

  13. They follow the same rules as the CFL for the most part.  The game is structured the same with 12 players, 3 downs and 110 yard fields.

  14. All College, High School and Midget (same age group as HS, just community based not school based) play under Canadian rules.  These are NOT the exact same as the CFL but the basic rules are the same.

    12 players, 3 downs, 110 yard field, No Yards, Single Points for missed FG's, Rouge (points for a punt through end zone) are all the same.  However as you go from High School/Midget to CIS there may be some minor rule changes, and the CFL has some rules only used by the CFL, like the penalty for a punt going out before the 20 yard line.

    I don't think Pop Warner football is offered in Canada anymore (being taken over by Football Canada) but when it WAS in Canada it was based on American rules.  You may also find some minor rule changes as you go from province to province.  

    But to answer your specific questions, yes they both play with the 110 yard fields, and the 20 yard end zones, and 12 man teams.

    NOTE: There are some rural leagues that run with 9 players per side, but that's a rare circumstance.

  15. yes they play on the same size field as the cfl and have the same number of players on the field as the cfl.  :)

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