
In Canada, when the Queen dies or abdicates, will all 'Royal' army and police units need to change cap badges?

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For example, my old army unit has the Queen's crown on our cap badge. The RCMP has the Queen's crown on their badge. If a King takes the throne, will all of the current Queen's crown badges need to be recast? That could get expensive.




  1. they will keep the ones already given new badges will be given for the new monarch ..............just as happened when george VI died  the old ones were kept then new ones made for new recruits

  2. anything with the reference to "E-R" Elizabeth Reigns will need to be changed.......FYI  it's the Royal Canadian Army, the British Army is the Royal Army, I thought you would know that if you were in the Canadian Army, and that would be the case for all member countries of the British Commenwealth

  3. canada is great, especially since their currency is worth more than the dollar

  4. i dunno go to google

  5. If the same procedure is followed as in Britain in 1952 - the last time - badges with a king's crown will replace those with a queen's as quickly as possible - but I suspect the typical governments of misers (except in the matter of their own pay and expenses) under whom we suffer today will not want to do this, and will invent some cost-effective tuppenny shambles.

    However, you are talking about Canada.  I have an idea that Canada and Australia may well decide that the end of Mrs Mountbatten is a convenient time to opt for transition to a republic - and eminently sensible too!

  6. They will indeed, as is the same with the UK Armed forces, or those of any other commonwealth country. The crown currently used is the Queen's crown, and that will be changed to the King's crown, which is more rounded at the top.

    Changes will also include ALL currency in commonwealth countries with the Queen's head on, post boxes, royal emblems (coats of arms etc) Stamps, pretty much anything that says EiiR on will change to reflect Charles (or whichever name he chooses to use). everything in the armed forces pretty much will change (even down to the buttons on a uniform if they show a crown)

  7. You know, I´m not exactly sure of the crown or what is depicted, but isn´t it the IMPERIAL crown that is depicted?  And wouldn't Prince Charles have the same crown?  Or William?  Or whoever ascends the throne?  When I was at the Tower, most of the crowns were said to belong to the throne, not to the Queen, and had been worn by many monarchs.

  8. Yeah. So will all our (UK) money, stamps etc. Everythings going to have Charles' ugly mug on it. His ears are going to be too big for the stamps i think ; )

  9. Hard to say, really.  Some units (ie: the King's Own Calgary Regiment) never changed to the Queen's crown, so some with the Queen's crown may choose to keep it.  It really depends on the traditions of the individual units, and probably on the politics of the time..

    Exception being anything with 'E-R' on it, as it will no longer be valid.

  10. Probably not immediately, but over time perhaps as new uniforms are created, the new monarchy would be represented on their badges.  It won't happen overnight.

  11. The last time the currency and cap badges changed was in 1953.

    If there was a president, it would be every 4 or 5 years.

    On the plus side, it will be an opportunity for everyone to renew their Oaths of Allegiance to the crown.

  12. Things will be changed over time.  

    P.S.   It will be when the Queen dies.  Ain't no way she's going to abdicate given what her uncle did, and her own personal beliefs.

  13. Well they should just have "the crown" e.g. "we fight for the crown".

    British currency Will change.

  14. The Crown remains the same no matter what so the badge will not change, unless you have her name / initials as well.

    If there were a revolution then a lot more than you badge would have to change.

    Coins, stamps, post boxes, phone boxes, England's national anthem.

  15. Yes, in Canada, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and anywhere else in the world that The Queen's badge is displayed (serving army, fire, police officers' uniforms, on post boxes etc.) although some organizations, particularly military ones) have some dispensations.

    This happened after The Queen's succession, when her badge replaced that of her father; it is usually phased, rather than immediate, to save costs.

  16. Yes, The highways , Queen Elizabeth Highway, the Logos all  with ER

    or Queen in Title will be changed.. Yes. The RCMP.. Badges , See they dont have King George the V1

    Yes , very expensive. But's that's life.

    Source ( Learned in Canadian History in school)

  17. I can't say I've looked too closely at the crest on the RCMP. Some things change, some don't.

    The Queen's Own Rifles, for example, doesn't change to the King's Own, because the reference is to Queen Victoria.

    The currency and postage stamps will change. Lawyers who have a QC (Queen's Council) will switch to KC (King's Council). Oaths will change. The royal and vice-regal anthem will change wording to God Save The King. Official portraits will be changed from Her Majesty to Charles.

    It is a significant thing, but a small change given the service and continuity the Royal Family provide.  

  18. No,it will not,the crown is the crown,nothing changes in that.Only the E R,will change

  19. As we first saw with established government agencies in Canada; There is a precedence to this when Queen Victoria passed on.

    We recast coins, badges and authoritative Postal seals to associate it with the New British Monarchy at the time (King George). Then back again with Queen Elizabeth II.

    My guess is that when Queen Elizabeth II passes, we'll see this again, but with more government agencies and higher volumes of official seals and crests, this re-design may be radical enough to make it the last time.

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