
In Canada illegely,going to home Country one way ticket. What will happen at airport ? Have valid passport?

by Guest64495  |  earlier

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Friend is here and been in Canada illegaly for several yrs. He was denied status,has clean record but never left. Family member is very sick and he wants to go home so bought a one way ticket to his Country and has a valid passport from there. When he checks in will he be detained? He knows chances of ever coming back are slim but what will happen when he goes to airport and wants to leave?




  1. I dont think they will care too much about him leaving the country  to go to his home country....As countries are much more strict about unauthorized people entering countries....I mean look what would have happened if he was ever found to be an illegal prior to this, the most likely would have shipped him home whats the difference...thats where he wants to go...the chance is worth the risk in my opinion, you can always reapply for citizenship...seeing your sick loved one is much more important.

  2. He may get into some trouble.  If his passport says when he came here, they'll know that he has been residing here.  His best bet is to consult a lawyer that knows about immagration laws.  He might as well take his chances.  He will be found out eventually after all.  How has he been working? I have no idea if he'll be detained.  I do know that he probably will not be able to return to Canada once he goes home though.  Tell your friend "Good luck."  A lawyer really is his best bet.

  3. when he leaves the country, he checks with airline wicket, they need to know whether he has valid passport to travel. An immigration officer in the airport will grant clearance to the plane before departure.

    two things might happens:

    first - let him go

    or second talk to him and make sure he is leaving. No arrest or detention should take place. they will be happy to close the case.

  4. There should be no problem letting him out as he doesn't belong there anyway.  The trouble will come when/if he were to try to return.

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