
In Canadian football, what is a 'rouge'?

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How do you get one? How many points is it worth?




  1. Actually a rouge is when you kick a ball through the end zone to score a point.  This can happen on a missed field goal or in another circumstance.  In the NFL, no such single point exists.

    A touchback's still a touchback in the CFL.

  2. A rouge, or a single point, is scored when the kicking team either punts the ball through the endzone, kicks the ball through the end zone (missed field goal attempt), or when the returning team's ball carrier puts a knee down in the end zone after fielding a punt or missed field goal.  It's a great rule for a punt, and a poor rule for a missed field goal in that it rewards failure.

  3. A rouge is worth one point.  Generally speaking, anything that is a touchback in the NFL is a rouge in the CFL.

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