
In Case You Thought You Had Any Privacy Left, What's Going On?

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Evidently a lawsuit has resulted in a judge ruling that Google must turn over records that list every single video that every person has watched on You Tube. My question is, What is the purpose of this? And why were the records compiled in the first place?

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  1. The reason is not as important as why you are so concerned, if you do nothing wrong, why worry.

    Youtube has had videos posted in the past that were criminal, sadistic, and previews of crimes to happen.

  2. ok ok ok, so maybe i did watch that obama girl video a little more than some might deem healthy.  so what?  this is america right?

  3. The purpose is to make us feel controlled. it is working and upsetting lots of people.

  4. The purpose is to give people a sence that they have no freedom or control, the records are pointless and do nothing!

    thats all

  5. I really hate it when people say "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about anyway.  That's not the point.  The erosion of freedom and privacy is the point.

    Uncle whateveryournameis and you too loved1, you don't have to have anything to hide to enjoy privacy.  Would you enjoy it if there was a video camera watching you take a dump everyday?  Every time "they" take away a bit of privacy and a bit of freedom, America becomes a little less America.

    Since 911, it's become a lot less America and a lot more Amerika.

  6. Who really cares?  What's so bad about watching videos?  If you don't have anything to hide then it shouldn't matter.

  7. Not Google. Youtube. But it amounts to the same thing.

    Viacom now have the legal right to know the email address of every single person who has accessed youtube. This, supposedly, is to assess how many clips of their produce are being viewed. It is, truly, utterly ridiculous, that yours and my privacy is being ripped up because a media company wants to know who is watching their c**p.

    Millions of people around the world have never watched a Viacom originated clip. Millions more have never heard of Viacom. But now Viacom has won the right to find out who every single one of those people are.

    There is no longer a place in this world for those with nothing to fear. Everyone, absolutely everyone, now has something to fear.

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