
In Chess: What is the best defense to a bishop's opening?

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Can you go down on the bishop or just take him from behind?




  1. It's highly unlikely that White will play 3 Bxf6+ with the material values resulting in a losing exchange, and bishops are stronger than knights in an open position. With that in mind you should expect your opponent to try to conjure a mate on the 4th move, by transposing into a variation of the Napolean opening with 3 Qf3.  Personally I would play 2 ... Nc6 to protect the pawn on e5, with the intention of playing  3 ... Nf6, because white could just be playing the moves of the italian opening  (1e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 ....) in an irregular order.

  2. i can't possibly give u a precise answer due to ur lack of details. but....

    it may just be a different variation of the e4, Nf3.... watch the bishop, don't let the opponent sneak up on your f pawn.

  3. Huh?

    If 1)e4 2 Bc4 or something usual development Nf6 stops the cheapo mate threats if 3) Qh5 or f3 is coming.

    If you mean a finachetto (Move the pawn in front of the knight and put the bishop there) that is a different story.  You can have a counter finachetto or use the bite on granite bit (using pawns supported by pawns) or regular play not bent out of shape because he finachettoed.

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