
In Christianity, is the focus on the heavenly kingdom preventing real progress?

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I'm speaking in general but...

The mindset I see a lot of is this:

If you believe the world is going to be destroyed then why do much with it?

Every generation believes it is the generation that will see the heavenly kingdom, but it does not come.

Meanwhile, the earth and its inhabitants move on.

Wouldn't time be better spent improving society rather than sitting in a church pew and singing hymns and waiting for the kingdom?

I mean, why make lasting impact if the world is going to end anyways?

This applies to any religion that promotes the same ideology.




  1. Personally, i believe the higher echelons of the christian faith have been subverted for this precise reason - to restrict religious (therefore societal) progress.

    Oh, and death to the false emperor.


  2. You're right.  Religion holds down society, religion is quicksand.  We should never hesitate to stop the spread of religion whenever we have the opportunity to do so.  As America gets weaker, it becomes more urgent to rid the social disease that is religion.

  3. Those are the Christians you hear about.

    There are those of us who follow Christ, who belive that when Jesus says, "Thy Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven," he means that we are to live, act, and behave as though the kingdom is here, now.

    Visit these sites, and you'll see there's a whole other way of reading the Gospels, that millions of people are living.

  4. no, the focus on a personal god and the idea that you are best friends with the boss of the universe prevents progress

  5. yes i think you have made a good point

  6. Christianity is evil because is causes good people to obsess about their own selfish salvation instead of building a better world for our descendants.

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