
In Connecticut, can a physician hold your medical records "hostage"??

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My mother's physician's secretary left a voice mail saying that " we recieved a request to send your medical records to a new physician, but you have an outstanding balance, and until it's paid we won't release your records"... Is this illegal, immoral, unethical or all 3?? By not releasing the records to the new physician her current doctor is preventing her from getting the care she needs? Does anyone know what the law says?? (I would appreciate facts, not just speculation)




  1. First, ask the new physician to explain the law to the old one. Second, report the old physician to the board of medical licensing. Third, call the investigative reporters at the local TV station.

  2. Pay your bill

    The records are his property.  He is under no obligation to send them o.

    Pay your bills

  3. Probably, all 3, yes, someone does. This is not that liberal state there is no telling what is illegal, immoral or unethical.

  4. If you mother goes in and asks to sign a release form, the information can be released to who she wants it to be. I would ask to have a copy of the records so she can give them to the physician. They cannot legally withhold your medical records from you. And if all else fails, threaten to sue.. that usually changes peoples minds really fast lol

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