
In Costa Rica, if I wanted to travel south through Panama into Colombia, what's the process?

by Guest34387  |  earlier

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In Costa Rica, but I want to finish my stay in Colombia. Is there some sort of bus or railway that takes passengers from CR to Columbia? If not, what types of transportation is available to head that direction (south)?

Is it easy to "hop" from country-to-country, traveling freely to explore each?

I just don't know the process, and I don't want to be stuck in Costa Rica and having to buy a plane ticket from SJO to Bogota or Medellin.

Any help is appreciated.





  1. TICA bus has cheap reliable service - you can go all the way from Guatemala to Panama (& every country in between = Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica).  Last time I checked the bus ticket for this central american trip was 72$.

    There is no road connecting Panama to Colombia.  The "Darien Gap" is the jungle area that blocks off the end of the Panamerican highway on the Panama side, and where it starts again on the Colombian side.  It is very dangerous to go thru there (on foot) because of rebel guerrillas.

    Copa Airlines has the cheapest flights from Panama City to Cartagena, Colombia (under 300$).

    You can also go on a 5 day sailboat from Panama to Cartagena. This is more like an all inclusive (food, lodging) cruise experience, that stops off @ little islands along the way (for scuba diving/snorkeling) and you go with a big group of tourists. Prices are usually 250-500$ (one way).

    Check the link for info on that...

    good luck!


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