
In Costa Rica. Whats the name of... ?

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In Heredia, Costa Rica., There is a pizza restaurant 300 meters to the west from the Hipermas supermarket. Right in front of a school.

What is the name of the pizza restaurant?

A friend of mine is going to Costa Rica and I want to recommend him to visit that restaurant.





  1. jejeje... I live at a few meters from there.

    The name of the pizza house is "El Redil" and efectivelly it is in the 2nd floor.

    Tell him to take a taxi or a bus "San Jose - Alajuela por Heredia" and ask the driver to drop him off in front of "La escuela de San Francisco". The pizza house is right in front of that school.

    Dont try to go to "El Redil" on mondays. It is closed

    The recommendation of cfmontero is a pretty good one as well.

  2. Don't know what the name of the restaurant is, but right now is in a Second Floor of a "comercial center", right to the side of the "car laundry". The best will be for your fried to hop on a taxi or bus, and stop at the Hipermás a walk down. Even thou, i don't believe is a great pizza place. He should try a place that is 800 west and 300 south from the same Hipermas. Is a Little Italian Soda, where they sell italian pizza. Is just infront of a Condominio call Avicennia, and side to Universidad Interamericana. The place is call "Take and Go". Hope this may help.

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