
In Desperate Need Of A Difficult Japanese Recipe!?

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for my year 9 International Cuisine technology project, I've been cooking Japanese dishes.

For each dish, i have to create a time plan, evaluation, specification, etc.

So far i've made 'Pork dumplings with Sticky Rice' and 'Terriyaki chicken with Sesame Green Beans'.

Both were DELICIOUS and i got a 7A (my target level) for both.

I want to try and push myself to an 8, but i can't find a suitable recipe.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

It needs to be something with lots of components, and it doesn't matter what kind of meal it is (so long as it's Japanese, or at least seems Japanese!)






  1. Tsukiyaki--spellings vary by region.



    vegetables-can be up to 8 different veggies


    saifun noodles

    Soy sauce (Kikkoman)

    Ajinomoto sweet rice wine

    It's a very nice pot-style dish that can simmer for an hour and have a heavenly aroma!

  2. Try okonomiyaki--it's delicious.

  3. Hi I lived in Tokyo for years.  I would try Shabu Shabu.  It is the sumo soup.  Recipe below

  4. Why don't you try some Kaiseki Dish, such as steam some yellow tail with sake and some spices in a leaf.  Served with miso base sauce made with some miso, sugar, sake , yuzu and juice of yuzu.  Garnish with some Mitsuba.

  5. This is the best free cooking E-book I've found, I'm sure you can find what you're looking for in it.

  6. Try Chawan Mushi. It is very different. It's steamed savory custard that is hardly ever on the menu of restaurants.

  7. I don't really know the recipe but there is a dish called tojimono.  This may be a stretch, but I am giving you the link to one of my favorite Japanese restaurants.  It's unusual in that it isn't the usual teriyaki, sushi place.  This is a country style restaurant where the chef makes very specific dishes as they are made tradtionally, they don't even allow condiments.  The menu is seasonal but full of rich complex dishes you don't see everyday.  This link is to the menu, it might give you a few ideas and you can then research the recipes.  Good luck.

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