
In Diverse colleges?

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If you're in a diverse college, what type of people do you hang around?

Yesterday, I went to a student orientation, and even though I don't really know anyone as of yet. I talked to a black girl(she talked to me first and is already in the school), and and indian girl(not much though). I noticed though that when I was in the school a lot of people mostly talked with their own kind. That's a little weird for me, because I'm more used to talking to all kinds of people.

Basically my question is, how do you talk to someone who is not the same race as you(like when you introduce yourself) and not have a funny look? What things would you say when first meeting someone(I don't want to mess up my talks)?

I want some friends not only from clubs, but like class too!




  1. people who you want to know. i'm in college now and i already made so many new friends i like it. just introduce4 yourself and you'll be fine.

  2. Just introduce yourself normally. "Hi! I'm _____. So is this your first time to this school?" Or whatever you want to say. If they snub you, s***w 'em! If they're nice to you, well now you've got some friends! Good luck!

  3. last year at orientation, I felt unwelcome. I sat on a table with all White people because I didn't care which table. I tried to talk to them but they ignored me and talked to each other. They don't even know each other either.

    So during lunch I didn't go back to that table but sat by myself.

    My university is very diverse too. Yes I have seen most people sitting with people of their race. Asian with Asian, Black with Black, and etc. I am willing to be friends with anyone but unfortunately I feel much more comfortable speaking with people of my ethnicity.  
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