
In Driving what is mean by Turning Left and Right ?

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Turning Left and Right




  1. Take your first left, then your first right.

  2. If you are talking about your road test, then you will be asked to make several LEFT turns and RIGHT turns at different types of intersections. Some turns will be done at traffic lights and others will be done in residential areas. Some turns will be at stop signs and some at yield signs.

    When you are driving you need to tell others what you are doing, so you have to signal and make sure nothing is in your path when you are making that turn so make sure you are always scanning and shoulder checking before you turn.

    If you are turning right, then you have to signal and then make sure there are no bikes or pedestrians between you and your turn, so  you look over your right shoulder (shoulder check) BEFORE your right turn. Enter the closest available lane after your turn. Then signal, check your left shoulder and then when safe, make a left lane change to enter the driving lane.

    If you are turning left, then you have to signal and then make sure  you are positioned just right of the center line with your wheels straight. Also remember you have NO right of way when making a left turn (unless you have a green arrow or someone is directing traffic). When your path seems clear check the crosswalk for pedestrians and look over your left shoulder to check for anything you may not have seen. When your path is clear, then prompty exit the intersection into your closest available lane (just right of the center line), looking well ahead up the road where you intend to go.

    You can make left turns a bit faster than right turns.

    I hope that helps

  3. you turn left when you go left, and you turn right when you go right. I don't know how to make it any more clear.

  4. OMG, you gotta be joking.....................................

  5. It might be a good idea to take professional lessons from a driving institute. However, if this is not possible, enlist the aid of a sibling, parent, or friend who is a careful driver and has been driving for a while.

  6. what?

    <- left



  7. it's mean you have to turn left and turn right in the streets;)

  8. Maybe you should not be driving if you don't know your left from the right.

  9. It's a bit like the okey cokey dance . You know where you put your left leg in your left leg out in out in out and shake it all about .Then you put your right leg in etc etc only your doing it with a car LOL

  10. take a deep breath and try to figure this tough question out by yourself

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