
In Eclipse, they use the word imprint. What does it mean in context?

by Guest61640  |  earlier

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In Eclipse, they use the word imprint. What does it mean in context?




  1. definition : any impression or impressed effect: He left the imprint of his thought on all succeeding scholars.

    definition from stephenie meyer : When werewolves of La Push see their soul mate, something happens where they are suddenly unconditionally in love with them. They desire nothing more than to make their sould-mate happy. The person imprinted upon doesn't have to love the werewolf back, but the werewolf will probably do whatever it takes to make his soul-mate love him.

    When Jake imprinted on Renesmee basically, he fell in love with her. She'll grow and he'll be her best friend until she is old enough to love, where as she will probably like him romantically since Jake will make himself be perfect for her.


  2. They described it as, when you see the girl,  it's like gravity no longer works.  Like she holds you down instead.  The all the things you loved, all the strings holding you down, they all snap, and you have a million steel cables all tying you to her.  Loving her and completely devoted to her.

  3. It's not love. A werewolf -excuse me, shapeshifter- has no choice in the matter, and there is no love involved. It's not even passion. A were-shapeshifter, sorry- is drawn to the person they imprint on. That's it. Like magnets. Romantic, no?

    And then they could fall in love. Maybe. But most likely, they both just like the attention and so it becomes an unbreakable relationship of lust.

  4. It is kinda like love at first sight... that is how they described it.  Like when they see that one person they know that is who they have to be with and no one else matters.  Some thing  like that  

  5. imprint means for a werewolve to fall in love with a girl. i mean not exactly fall in love, but all of a sudden when he sees the girl he loves her and protects her and litterally lives for her.  

  6. Imprinting is when a Meyerwolf (who is actually apparently a shapeshifter) "falls in love" with a girl, who can be a newborn.  It's creepy and pedophiliac, if you ask me, and degrading to the girl (because she has no choice but to love him back) as well as sexist (because Leah, the only female meyerwolf, can't imprint, even though she lost the one she loved due to his imprinting). They are also basically raising the child to be the "one true love" of the meyerwolf-shapeshifter.  That's not right at all.

    In context, it's something like "Jacob imprinted on Renesmee.  How creepy!"

  7. that they were meant for each other and meant to fall in love

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