
In Egypt.. Do a lot of men marry a woman of his family choice?

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Is this cultural?




  1. Why only Egypt what about India.

  2. No, I don't think this happen too much now, may be the vice versa is right

  3. yes , many .

    and no it's not cultural , it's like arranged marriage all over the world .

  4. Yeah he gets forced into marrying an ugly Camel!

  5. That was in the past.

    In modern Egypt, young men and women enjoy more freedom and thus choose their counterparts away from their families. The family has to approve the choice though.

  6. NO, thats NOT happening anymore .....

    OR to be honest, it rarely happens ....

    NOW Egypt is a modern country ..... every young man & young woman have the right to choose their lifes' partner (( wife or husband )) with a complete freedom

    And after that .... the family role comes, accept him/her or NOT

  7. it doesn't happen this way

    a man usually choose a girl to get married from his social context - work or study-.. otherwise his family -or his friends- could introduce him to a girl they know her. because there might be social compatibility and educational as well.. and then arrange something similar to the concept of blind-dating in the west. and after that date they can choose to continue dating for a couple of times or not. (remember these dates -or visits- are usually done in a public place or in her home with the attendance of her family individuals)

    and then if they both (the man and the woman) agree to proceed for an engagement they do.

    other wise if they both or one of them doesn't feel the right chemistry then the process of communication gently stops.

    so no the family doesn't choose for its man to get marry to a girl of their choice. the family and his friends could introduce him to a girl they "think" it might be good match to him. and then a normal process of exploration takes place in a form of blind dating with the attendance of the her family.

  8. It usually occurs when a man gave up finding the perfect wife,

    or when he already had his experiences with women but wants a decent one from a decent family so the best one would be chosen by his mom or any of his family members.

  9. Sometimes the mother fixes him up and sends him on a date with a girl she likes and knows her family.. sometimes they click and start dating and then get engaged and end up getting married and sometimes it doesnt work out and they dont like each other and thats that.. that date ends and they go home and nobody's forced into anything..!

    However, this scenario is even rare nowadays.. most poeple just meet their future spouses a work or at school or where ever.. just like any other country..

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