
In England, why are the middle classes more likely than the working class to be religious churchgoers?

by Guest34262  |  earlier

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Surely it should be the other way round ?

Or do you dispute the premise of the question?




  1. Was not aware of the fact that the middle classes are more likely to go to church.  I suppose I am of middle income but don't go to church. Hate the idea of class.

  2. why should it be the other way? are you insinuating people of lower class are less intelligent and therefore more likely to follow a fictional being?

  3. I am not convinced the premise is correct.  But to add to your debate;   Presuming that people who follow groupings would label me as middle class, I can say i rarely go to church, but like Einstein was, i am convinced that something exists which we refer to as God.

  4. The working class is to d**n tired to go to church , whereas the middle class don't do anything substantial with their time so they have more energy to socialize.

  5. I don't think it's like you percieve.... it's more a communistic thing.  Everyone educated accordingly to fit the working tribe.  And a good effective tribe they are!  Role models?

    People who strive for a certain aspect of equality amongst all the people?

    I can understand it.

    It can be likened to those who grabbed land - or stole land.  Many travellers had the knowledge to take the land from the indigenous people.  Though, the native people shall still really rule and retrieve their land at any given collective opportunity.  

    Protest peacefully for a share of your land... and have it shared equally.

    Gerard Winstanley tried in vane to grow food on unused land for his people for free... but the unscrupulous land owners hired thigs to beat him up.

    They were worried about him.  He was a threat!

  6. More to hold onto than us poor people !

  7. Because the whole essence of middle classness sis respectability and convention and being aligned with the pulse of power. The middle classes have never been free - the upper class and lower  class have more in common with each other in terms of freedom.

    we are less rule bound. and less aspiring.  

    Do you think the working calss to be less intelligent more needful of a god? Neither is true.

    Fundamentalism seeks its mirror.

    The middle classes have the most angst about their position and seek confirmation and reassurances.

  8. it's the same in's not because they actually's because that is the social norm, and that is what's acceptable, and in order to look like middle class or higher you have to go to church.

    yes, it should.

    love it, so true lol:Middle-class look-down-your-nose-at-people -cos-you-think-you-are-posh-

  9. It's all pretence with the middle classes.

  10. I agree with Dave C in essence, they have more to lose, so need Divine intervention to figure out a way of keeping it.

    Perhaps, the values espoused by the Churches reflect those of the middle classes so much more closely.

    The working classes have always been depicted as the great unwashed and ignorant, but I have found that their work ethic and attitudes are so much more tolerant and accepting than they (we) are given credit for.  I have no time for the middle class liberal elites who are often the most bigoted in society.  Take the Anglican church  - so inclusive, but threatening a schism over the ordiantion of women Bishops! So, God is for all of us eh?

    I would never confuse the possibility of God's existence with the rank elitism, bigotry and greed found in organised religions.

  11. they have more time

  12. No, I think us working class folks actually have the brains to figure out that church is pointless. I think the middle class are more delusional than working class cos they actually think they are above "normal" people, therefore making them more inclined to believe in silly things like religion

    Apologies for people who are religious, that is my opinion and not an attack However the Middle-class look-down-your-nose-at-people -cos-you-think-you-are-posh- but-you're-not  folks will not be getting an apology

    Thank you :)

  13. Wibble wibble.

    Tribble gibble.

    And sooth-say to Russell (ooh-err missus) Grant.


    Or cucumber sandwiches except they repeat on me.

    I say they repeat on me.

  14. A very good and interesting question.  I think its more to do with history.  In England during the middle ages there was no army or police force to enforce social control.  So the kings made sure that they built a church of some kind in every little town and dwelling in the land.  They forced the population to attend church twice on Sundays and encouraged them to become good citizens or subjects.  You only have to go to museums and see the torture instruments they used on people to attend church they include hot pokers, head and thumb screws.  The middle classes with families want to to the right thing and live a respect full life.  Where as the working classes are more rebellious and question authority.  The middle classes respect authority and are more likely to do what they are told.  That is why more people believe in God and the bible, through authority they are conditioned to accept all that silly superstitious stuff.    In this case I think the working class appear more intelligent because they question and doubt more where as the middle classes seem more gullible.

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