
In England we have winter;spring,summer and Autumn is this the same all over the world?

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In England we have winter;spring,summer and Autumn is this the same all over the world?




  1. Yes, but at the poles and the equator the changes are far less drastic. England is in a temperate zone, meaning the summer is warm, the winter is cold, and spring and autumn are in between. The equator stays warm nearly year-round, while the poles are cold year round.

    Also, the southern hemisphere is inverted: December is warm, and July is cold.

  2. in a word, no. e.g. in bengal there are six seasons.

  3. In the souther hemisphere the seasons are inverted, when we have winter, they have summer and when we have spring they have autumn. The closer to the equator, the less difference there is between seasons.

  4. The season change everywhere whether the weather changes or not.

  5. Some areas are hot all year, it's more 'wet' and 'dry' seasons there.

  6. Everywhere in the northern hemisphere it's the same but in the southern hemisphere it's not. During the summer in the Northern hemisphere, the majority of the sun's angles are hitting the northern hemisphere so it'll be hotter in the Northern hemisphere so it can't be the same season. It's the same for all seasons.

  7. Some countrys have just a wet and dry season (ie, tropical)  I noticed you start with your Christmas weather, like we say Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring, in Australia.

  8. yes, but in some continents its hard to tell the difference between some seasons, like in africa

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