
In Europe, is it true that the issues between men and women are much less of a big deal.?

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For instance in America if there is any kind of club that says men only, it is likely to have someone protesting about inclusion. The Friars Club where old Hollywood comedians hang out and Augusta national golf course are two high profile issues that spring to mind.

Do the Euros have less trouble with the so-called "traditional" gender roles?




  1. Where do you think those so called 'traditional' roles originated in the western world?

    The USA is a great country but it didn't invent western culture.

    It is, however, pretty much behind the times regarding personal liberty and social equality, especially regarding northern Europe.

    However, everywhere in the world, old attitudes exist side by side with the modern world.

    That's how the world is.

    Cheers :-)

  2. Sexism is culturally directly connected with mostly wherever Catholicism, Islam or fundamental religiosity is predominate and recently oppressive.  Same everywhere.  The less cathedrals and tent revivals in a community, the more advanced the social consciousness AND the higher the standard of living.

  3. I will say I picked up a candy bar called, "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" (or something to that affect) in the UK and I was startled. Apparently there were protests about it, but that didn't stop the candy from being made.

    However any European, male or female, I've come across that's of my generation is more for eliminating traditional gender roles. The older generation is less so.

  4. It depends on where in Europe. In Scandinavia, sure. In Spain, violence against women by domestic partners has reached almost epidemic levels.

  5. Northern an Western Europe are cool, everywhere else is just like something off a Borat movie.

  6. Everything is a bigger deal in America.

  7. Yes, 100% true.  We are just better at accepting things in general because we aren't spoiled brats.  

    Did I say that out loud?  Oh, my!  The meds are kicking in.

    Lemme put it to you this way - if a bunch of guys would start some men only club, our insecurities, or lack thereof, would not get in the way of our having fun.  We'd pretty much move on and do our own thing because deep down, we know that sooner or later the guys would get bored of being just around guys and might actually need some laying at some point.  Now, if they are not those kind of guys... we wouldn't be with them in the first place.

    The problem America has, in general, is the ego, and the ego is nothing but a whiny little *****.  I have to smack mine in the mouth periodically....

    Oh, and 2 more things.  Adding on to what Patois said  - yes, ok, but in Europe we don't really care what religion our president is - for instance.  It's not a political thing.  Here - it so is.  And also  wanted to add to what Tracy said - violence is a lot worse here than in Europe.  Just started reading "The Gift of Fear" and found out that murder (at the husband/partner's hand) is the leading cause of violent death in women in the US....

    Y'all should go visit them Europeans sometimes.  It really ain't like they show on TV.  ;-)

  8. Yes. in this country, in an election, race or gender wouldn't even get a mention. some americans seem to have an exaggerated sense of self importance, narcissism and entitlement, if things aren't just so for them, they have a hard time coping with it, so gender issues are common.

    I think that its interesting that the new world has embraced radical feminism the way it has, perhaps its a response to the machoism that was needed to get the countries colonised in the first place.

  9. I don't think we really have a big problem with it. Both genders have the same clubs. If it isn't a place where both sexes can go, then if there's a men only club, there sure will be a women only club for the same thing.

    People here don't really stick to the traditional gender roles that much. Maybe the older generations, but even my grandad (i'm from portugal) didn't mind taking care of the house and stuff.

  10. it seems to be a bigger deal in america.  southern europe may be more traditional but northern europe is very trendy.

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