
In Europe do they consider people from North America Foreign?

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Like we consider people from Europe foreign but do they consider people from North America Foreign in Europe?




  1. obviously, North Americans are not from Europe.  Therefore, they are foreigners to Europeans.

  2. Yes, the definition of a foreigner is a person who is not a native or naturalized citizen of the land where they are found. they also think Americans are all dumb, fat, warmongers, at least thats what my friend from germany told me that their perception is of us

  3. We are foreigners when there, so why wouldn't they consider us that?

  4. Brits are considered foreigners in Europe. Same goes with Americans

  5. Yes, and you might find that Americans aren't very well respected in some parts of the world

  6. Yes, and they also think we are dumb hicks

  7. yes, because we speak different language, we dont look like them so yeah its like how we call chinese people foreigen here in america

  8. Well, of course.

  9. Yes, if you're an American and come to Europe, you'll be considered a foreigner.

    I live in Europe, and I hate it when people say that all Americans are bla-bla-bla and la-la-la... well, you know what I mean.

    Truth is, once we get to know Americans, most of the time, we change our opinion of them. I did :)

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