
In Flight Sim, should you trim up/down during climb/descent or only use to maintain level flight?

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In Flight Sim, should you trim up/down during climb/descent or only use to maintain level flight?




  1. Trim basically relives the pressure you have to exert on the stick or yoke. That being said, the basic rule for Attitude flying is Attitude, power and them trim.

    In a climb, first you would pull back on the stick and add power then trim up to relive pressure on the stick. As you level out you push down on the stick,then once you are level release it and decrease power and then trim out again. To descent you push the stick decrease power and then trim.

  2. Basically, its a matter of personal preference. Trim helps you set the plane in a stable configuration so you can focus on other things. In flight sim, it doesn't matter, you don't have heavy back pressure like in a real aircraft and you don't have to deal with other things like in a real aircraft, such as complete checklists and radio calls and adjustments.

    I don't usually use it. Its more of hassle since you can't really "feel" the trim and it takes awhile to trim er out.

  3. You can trim for climb/descent as well as level flight, or just set the desired altitude on the autopilot and let it do it for you.

  4. I totally agree with "Kissthepilot".  Your  "Flight Simulator" question belongs in the GAMES section.  This is the TRANSPORTATION category for questions about REAL aircraft, not pretend ones on a computer game.

  5. Try the computer section.

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