
In Florida does a wife of 20 years get half of everything and is there alimony? She isn't able to work ?

by  |  earlier

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due to illness. No children are involved. I think she stays because of the uncertain future of where she would live and have income for a car and health insurance.




  1. She usually does in every state, and there is alimony. All of it depends on the situation and judge.

  2. He must pay her enough to keep her accustomed to what she was used to when she was married, clothing, house, food, car, so on.

    She can get alimony if there is a reason why she is getting the divorce and it's his fault.

    Such as he was having an affair, was verbaly abusive, etc.

  3. Using the SE like google or yahoo to get some hints first if you want to obtain the massive information,if you do not want to spend too much time,here is a good resource for your reference about your questions.

  4. Different States have different laws so this is one for the lawyers.

  5. Why wouldn't a husband that had lived with a wife for 20 years, and now she is unable to work due to illness NOT want her to have half of everything if they decided to divorce???

    Sounds like a very selfish, mean-spirited person to me!!!

    Will probably make some other woman a really good husband, huh??

    Sure hope HE doesn't get sick!!!

  6. She is entitled to half of everything he has made while they were married. She will only get alimony if he is wealthy.

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