
In France, where do you buy bug spray?

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This may be a stupid question, but I need to know. I'm staying in Paris for a month, and I had some food in my room, and now there are a bunch of these little gnat/fly things, and they are really gross and need to be exterminated. So I was wondering, where I would buy the kind of bug spray you can find in a grocery store in the U.S.? I haven't really seen it in the little grocery stores here. Please help! :)




  1. You can find some in any large supermarket...

    Champion, Carrefour, Auchan, etc. also in Monoprix,

    or small stores called Drogueries (a type of shop that sells anything from soap to detergent to paint, dissolvants and even bug spray, etc.) At this time of year when it starts getting warm gnats will be attracted to food, especially fruit... Keep your food covered with a clean towel, and if possible on the outer windowsill (but not if it's in direct sunlight). You'd be better off buying small quantities in your nearest supermarché or epicierie, so you don't have any leftovers...

    Enjoy your stay, june in Paris is delightful!

  2. Hello,

    In Any Supermarkets.

    You can get some gels and spray againts mosquitos stings at the chemist.

    Don't worry it is not a stupid question.

    I hope it help,


  3. You should find that in a supermarket like Monoprix or Auchan.

    It's called Baygon (beh-gon).

    Good luck, and enjoy your stay otherwise!

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