
In Frankenstein, why does victor hesitate to make a creature like man? What tradgic flaw does victordemonstrat

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In Frankenstein, why does victor hesitate to make a creature like man? What tradgic flaw does victordemonstrat




  1. Think of the standard tragic flaw in Greek tragedy--hubris, usually defined as excessive pride to the extent that the person who has it considers himself to be on a level with the gods.  Victor hesitates to create a human being because to do so is the right only of God, and in usurping that right, Victor definitely shows hubris.  And in doing so, he experiences the usual fate of a tragic hero--he suffers a downfall and drags innocent people down with him.  This theme is mainly what makes the novel Frankenstein more than just a horror story.

  2. He has an internal conflict. "Should man be able to make man?" Is that only up to God? Whether the choice should be left up to nature? But the flaw he makes is to think that as a scientist he can control his own creation. The Frankenstein story is a retelling of the Greek fable of Prometheus.

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