
In GTA 4 how do i kill pegorino after i get on the helicopter?

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In GTA 4 how do i kill pegorino after i get on the helicopter?




  1. just use the chopper machine guns till a cutscene engages

  2. Note that this is just one of the two alternate endings (that's why the other guy was talking about Dmitri, while you're talking about the other one where you chase Pegorino who is escaping by boat with you in the chopper).

    Once you've made the jump onto the chopper and are driving it, all you really need to do is stay close to Pegorino's boat, making sure not to crash.  You don't really even have to fire on it with your heli guns because if you don't hit the boat to make it catch on fire, Jacob will eventually.  It's scripted so that as long as you don't crash the chopper, then as you and P's boat approach Happiness Island, his boat will catch fire, AND he will hit your chopper, so both of you basically have to make emergency landings at the island.

    After the cut scene of the landing, you simply go after P on foot.  I found it easiest to just chase him and ignore any guys shooting at you, if you slow down to shoot them, just be sure you don't lose P or take too much damage fighting.  Also, the longer you fight the cops, the more will show up, so unless you're very low on health, just chasing P fast is probably best.

    Follow his dot on your radar, through bushes where you can't see, and unload on him once you get him in view.  Then you'll get the final cut scene and you're done!

  3. pegarino is killed by dimitri

    if you mean how do you kill dimitri then you follow the heli till you get shot down, then go after him on foot

  4. Climb onto the chopper, stay close to Pegorino, and begin firing miniguns at his boat (don't descend the chopper too quickly or you'll end up in the water!).

    Eventually, Pegorino's boat catches fire. One of his goons fires a rocket towards the chopper, which then also catches fire. Pegorino's boat and the chopper come to a stop on Happiness Island. Begin chasing Pegorino, and kill any cops who get in your way - if you're low on health at this point then it's better to shoot them than ignore them. Follow Pegorino onto the grass below the statue and finish him off. Watch the final cutscene as Niko gets his revenge.

  5. follow him to liberty island and keep gunning for him till cutscene show up showing him dying final breath.

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