
In General woman bore me to tears. I hate the bitching. Whats your opinion?

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Ive said it whats the point in holding back.




  1. imnot a bore, i make people laugh! probably becuse i just dont give a flying fornication. maybe you're talking to the wrong women, girls ***** but so do guys, they both huff, and sulk. i have few close girlfriends, and they each crack me up in their own unique way. are the girls you talk to office workers? they can sometimes be right moody, probably because they are counting every minute they are having to sit on their a*se and gather cellulite whilst at the same time thinking of their next meal because they are so fed up. alot of girls dont open up because they worry about what other people with think, so they come across as missing a personality.

  2. everybody b*****s, it is a survival skill and if we are trully honest none of us particularly enjoy it but as they say life itself is a b**ch at  times !

  3. I'm a big fan of women, but I know what you mean. I once worked in an office where I was the only male (lucky me?). I used to hear the bitching going on when someone left the office for lunch. Although the girl who left was unaware of the others bitching about her, she would be just as bad when another went for their lunch!

  4. I find women very interesting, usually.  But then I'm not one so I would I suppose!

  5. yes, a bunch of b*****s, rather go out with the lads...good point well made chic x

  6. I think it works both ways on a par. My mum says the same about female company - she says she can't stand the c**p that suddenly appears when there's a mother's meeting. She prefers the company of guys and my dad - he doesn't take anything seriously and has a joke for every topical subject. Great to see them so in love after all these years. Strangely, my mum looks a lot younger than she is and still has the brickies hooting at her. I like women, heck, I love several of them - I just think they have strong opinions that change quick as the wind to suit the social heirarchy. And as for company of other males - in my workplace they all talk about football and fantasising about the secretaries - I prefer women and the neutral convo about music, current affairs and  subtle flirting. Over a big pint. Opposites attract and retract.

  7. I wouldn't say that. Some of the most intelligent people I know are women and these ladies are great conversationalist and fun to be around.

    It seems to me that you might be hanging around the wrong kind of women. If the current group of women you are hanging around with are boring you to tears, find another group that is more interesting.

    There are approximately 3 billion women on the planet, and I would say a vast majority of them are probably not boring. I think you could probably find a group of them that done bore you to tears.

  8. Women dont just ******...actually men ****** more.

  9. I have come across some men who come under that category, life is too'' short for such c**p, I  cant stand men or women who  day in, day out,just make other peoples life a misery.

    I never hang about people like that,there not worth it

  10. I guess you, being a woman and all, also bore yourself to tears.

  11. They also give me high blood pressure.

  12. That's me! I get very frustrated with myself for all the Bitching that i do!

  13. Maybe you've just been around the wrong kind of women?  Seriously, we arent all like that :)


  15. Thanks. I agree totally.

    Thats why I have pretty much only male best friends.

    Girls are by far more into things that have no value in life *like gossip*

    Who gives a ... c**p.

    Wish my dad would understand and not think I'm weird that I like being friends with guys more.

  16. lol i dont like it either but i dont really have to listen to it.

  17. I like womyn and being around womyn. Those I can't stand I avoid, but my best friends are womyn. Those that really irritate me are the insufferable rutting males.

  18. I hate the small whispers and talks behind people's backs...That's why I hated those two years I spent in a girls high drove me nuts...

  19. Some women can bore me this is true, and men bore me full stop!

  20. i'm a female, i hate the b**ching that we do, i try not, usually i b*tch about people only when they deserve.

    Right now in my college there's a lot of b**ching going on and mostly its directed at one person.

    At least with guys, they have a fight and it's over, no more said. I really wish females were like that.

    I myself would rather fight than b*tch.

    Also, i hate it when other females fight viciously, like pulling hair and scrabbing, what are they? F'n cats or something?!!!

    Why not just fight properly, a good few digs in the face.

    I suppose i'm like this cause i grew up with two older brothers.

  21. lol......And men annoy me to death. I hate the pleads for s*x.

  22. I can be bored or stimulated within 30 seconds of a conversation regardless of gender.

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