
In Greek mythology, who was Circe?

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In Greek mythology, who was Circe?




  1. She was a sorceress and sister to Aeetes king of Colchis. I think their father was Hyperion the Titan who was the sun god. When Jason took the Golden Fleece from Colchis and eloped with Aeetes' daughter Medea, her brother Absysurtius pursued them with fifty ships. Medea lured him ashore, and Jason killed him. They cut his body into many pieces and threw it into the ocean. The Colchians stopped to gather all of the pieces, as Jason escaped from them. He and Medea had to go to Circe to be absolved for the crime. Odysseus stopped at Circe's island on his voyage home from the Trojan war. Some of his men went ahead of him. Circe welcomed them and gave them food and drink. The drink was a potion that caused them to turn into pigs when she hit them with her magic wand. Hermes gave Odysseus a charm that protected him from Circe's magic, so she failed when she tried to turn him into a hog. He held his sword on her, and she agreed to return his men to being humans. After this, Circe and Odysseus were friendly. She advised him to go to Hades' realm and consult the spirit of Tereisias greatest of all prophets about returning home. Some said Circe and Odysseus had a son named Telegonus who came to find his father when he was grown and killed him not knowing who he was.

  2. Circe, daughter of the sun, was a sorceress best known for her ability to turn men into animals with her magic wand

  3. she was a queen godess/nymph on the island Aeaea. Her father was Helios(god of the sun) and her mother was Perce(an ocenid). Whenever someone annoyed her, she would transform them with her potions, which she had renowned knowledge of.

  4. Circe was d daughter of the sun.....

  5. Venus 1485AD  is totally right. I want to add that Circe was also sister of Minos' wife, Pasiphae, mother of Phaedra, Ariadne, Androgeo and the Minotaur.

  6. she was this lady who used witchcraft and magic to turn men into animals when they came across her island

  7. Along with the previous answers, she was the woman in the adventures of lliad. She kidnapped the hero (who's name escapes me) and held him for several years on her island.

  8. Circe was a powerful witch who, with the help of herbs, muttering incantations, or praying to her weird gods, could turn men into animals, or create unsubstantial images of beasts. She was able to darken the heavens by hiding the moon or the sun behind clouds.

  9. One of my all time favorite Greek mythology movie, the Odyssey.

    A Goddess that will put potions into the drinks of the uninvited visitors entering into her Island.

    For anyone who has not seen the "Odyssey", your missing out on something really Great!

  10. Are you reading The Odyssey? I did, that's where I heard of her.

    What everyone else said. ;)

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