
In HS, you have to do a certain amount of community service to graduate. Can I volunteer at a Hospital? ?

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Name says it all. In High school you have to do a certain amount of hours of community service to graduate. Can I volunteer at a hospital? I plan on working as a surgeon when I am out of Medical school,but I want to have some experience before Medical School. Do hospitals allow you to volunteer there? what age is required? does it count as community service? Please Respond. Thank you very much, for donating some time to help me.




  1. Volunteering at a hospital will probably count as community service - but to be sure, there is likely either 1) someone in the high school administration that will be able to answer that for sure, 2) a list of approved community service organizations and activities, or 3) a way to get whatever activity you're doing approved to count towards the graduation requirement.  I'd ask around in the school administration to confirm that what you're going to do counts, and if you don't have something already lined up, they might have connections that will make it easier to start.

    It seems like most hospitals allow people of high school age to volunteer - a quick check online seems to indicate that many have particular volunteer jobs, each with a minimum age (see the second link for an example - some jobs there 14 is the minimum age, others it's 17).  I'd do a little research online - check and see if the hospital has a webpage with the information and a contact person/application process provided.  Or see if your high school has any connections to the hospital that you can leverage.

    Good luck!

  2. yes they do allow it.

    and good for you!

  3. volunteering at a hopsital will definitely help. giving up free time to help others is the same thing no matter where you do it, right? depending on the size of the hospital there should be positions open, such as candy striping (pushing around the candy cart, it's really not that bad), escorting patients, etc. call your local hospital and once you finish your volunteering be sure to get some sort of proof via a signature from a surpervisor at the hospital, pictures, etc. good luck!

  4. This sounds lovely!  So many hospital patients are elderly and lonely and just need somebody to sit with them, talk to them, and fetch water, books, that sort of thing.  Check with local hospitals to see if they already have a volunteer program, of course.

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