
In Haroun and the sea of stories the question, "What's the use of stories that aren't true?" is asked by four

by Guest56369  |  earlier

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In Haroun and the sea of stories the question, "What's the use of stories that aren't true?" is asked by four different characters, each time with a negative response. Does the text provide any answers




  1. Welcome to Answers!  I wish I could offer a more helpful answer to your very first question; but I have never heard of Haroun. However, you say that the question received four negative responses.  Those responses are, by definition, in the text.  Have you read it?

    If you are by chance in school, I will give you some advice.  People here are more than willing to HELP with homework, but in the best interests of the student, most of us will not DO the homework for them.  We shall not be there for you in the exam room, and want to encourage independence.

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