
In Harry Potter, Do you think that Dumbledore knew what was going to happen before and after his own Death?

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I am a very big fan of the book. I was wondering if Dumbledore was just brilliant enough to do what he needed to do to make the events that happened in the book happen in which the way they happened. (Does this make sense to you?) What I mean is Do you think Dumbledore could have forseen the future? Also, do you think that Dumbledore actually really loved Harry, or was he just looking to rid Tom Riddle from the wizzarding world? I feel like he loved Harry , But I think Albus's saying "For The Good Of ALL" also makes me wonder. Any analysis on this would be appreciated, Thanks for your time.




  1. I think Dumbledore was very proficient at making calculated guesses. I don't  think he foresaw the future by ways of divination or anything but he did assume by the way he knew people would act that certain events would happen. For example I think he believed that Harry would be right and true enough to reach a point where he WOULD have to sacrifice himself to defeat Voldemort. But as hinted at in OOTP he knew there was a possibility that Harry could survive. I do not think that Dumbledore would ever have wished any harm upon Harry but I do agree that he had to have the thoughts of the Greater Good in mind. I think he knew that Harry would do anything to save his loved ones and therefore may not have felt so bad about what could have happened to him.

  2. I believe JK Rawling knows the answer....

  3. I don't think that Dumbledore could see into the future but at the same time I think he was a good judge of people.  I think that he knew Tom well enough to be able to be a few steps ahead of him.  And if you recall you find out in Deathly Hallows that Dumbledore knew at the beginning of Half Blood Prince that he was going to die, and I think he knew he'd be dead long before the final battle.  That's why he worked so hard and tried to teach Harry as much as he did during Harry's 6th year.

    And yes I think that Dumbledore truly loved and cared about all of his students, even Tom.  But he also knew that Tom needed to be dealt with and the only one who could do that was Harry.  It's like Dumbledore told Harry at the end of Phoniex, both Tom and Harry could walk away, ignore the prophecy and live full lives.  But Tom was obsessed with power and wanted people to worship him.  He wouldn't rest until he had complete control of wizarding world and Harry was destroyed.  That's why he went after Harry when he was only a defenseless infant.  It's also what proved to be his downfall.

    Hope that answers you question.

  4. have you read the 7th book? in The Deathly Hallows, a chapter titled "The Prince's Tale" it is showed clearly that Dumbledore realized what was going to happen to him and had hoped Harry would do to defeat Voldemort. i dont believe he could see the future, he was just very intelligent at making carefully calculated guesses.

  5. Well, the book mainly shows the events from the central characters' perspectives ,sometimes from the point of view of the Death Eaters, and on one occassion, from Lord Voldemort's. However, we never saw things through Dumbledore's perspective so it's really hard to pinpoint exactly the his thoughts.

    But based from what I've read, I believe that Dumbledore had more or less an idea of what was going to happen and that he did try to do some tasks to influence the outcome, thus making it better. We also see that although he had an overview, he was prone to being careless (hiring Gilderoy Lockhart, being unable to identify Barty Crouch Jr. etc.) and sometimes greedy, that leads to endangering his own life (wearing Gaunt's Ring to resurrect his sister Ariadne, thus being cursed with certain death). Of course, this is normal because how powerful he may be, he is only human.

    I also believe that he loved Harry, as much as he once loved Tom Riddle. I guess he was kind of guilty for what happened to Riddle, and was trying to make up for it by making sure that the same thing won't happen to Harry (though always seen in books, it is most evident on "Chamber of Secrets" where he asked Harry a question he once asked to Tom in the past, and also during his lone meeting with Harry after the battle with the Basilisk. Plus, in "Order of the Phoenix" he took responsibility for Harry's actions regarding Dumbledore's Army, to ensure Harry's safety from the wrath of the Ministry). After all Dumbledore had the right to worry; Harry and Tom had the same past: orphaned and maltreated by those who were suppposed to take care of them.

    His saying of "For the Good of ALL" was only used to try to encourage Harry to fulfill the prophecy. Dumbledore knows that even if Harry chose to run away, Voldemort will always be on the prowl for him and will not rest until he sees the last of Harry. If that should happen, then maybe there will be more of those tragic deaths, and a bigger chance that Harry's loved ones will also die...making him totally alone when he finally decides to face Voldemort.

    So there....really sorry for the long explanation. Forgive the parentheses! I hope this makes sense!

  6. He knew he would probably die for the cause but I don't suspect he knew EVERYTHING that was going to happen. I think he knew Harry would die t one point as well.

  7. i think he would have known if he was real because he was all powerful and he knew that his wand was unbeatable i think he loved harry but wanted tom to come good but he knew that wouldnt happen

  8. I think he had quite a good idea of what he was going to happed when he died and after.

    And i think he truly did love harry.

    Cool videoo!!!:)

  9. I've had a lot of thinking about this matter as well because well Dumbledore was always the "mysterious" but "brilliant" character in the story which made me love him the best, he always trusted people but has his own suspicions (example: that was explained in the deathly hallows:  the prince's tale when he told Snape to keep an eye on Quirrell for him). he presented the perfect person for understanding (in multiple times with understanding the faults and mistakes of harry and many others)... he always seemed to know the truth even if little proof is given (example: when he knew surius was innocent when no proof was exactly given he had no doubt about it) ......all this is talk of dumbledore's mysterious character in he first 3 books while we began to really know him starting from the 4th and knew everything about him in the 7th

    so i don't believe the way he always "knew" everything was just because he was good at legilimency because no one could know that much!

    i think with all dumbledore's brilliancy he was always humble about it (like in the goblet of fire when madam maxime suggested dumbledore to have made a mistake in the age line on the goblet he merely said: it is possible of course) actually to be honest he was always blind to it because he kept himself in the shadow of blame after what happened with Ariana and his evilish seek for the deathly hallows and all what came out of he lived in knowing things but not expecting praise, in being the best wizard of all time but not wanting to use it. i think although so brilliant he was the question comes in why he made mistakes when knowing they would lead to some things terrible (like why would he destroy the Resurrection Stone when he knew it would hurt him and cause his death?, but he did any way and that proves he knew how things would turn out to be and accepted his death) ...yet when asked if he knew all along about what will happen he again merely said that he had his hopes and expectations nothing more...

    but to answer your question fully (and i'm sorry i took so long) i think if u read the books again you will discover things that were linked to the seventh and you'd discover that dumbledore might really have planned it all along (example one i've just discovered myself: when in harry potter 4 he was telling dumbledore about what happened in the grave yard and how voldemort had risen, at the mention of voldemort taking harry's blood harry said he thought he saw a triumph smile on dumbledore's face but thought he imagined it... which means dumbledore knew from this moment everything that would happen in the 7th with voldemort's mistake and harry being the horcrux but voldemort can't destroy him ..etc)

    anyway i think the true identity of dumbledore cannot be known but i think he cared for everyone and if he cared for harry i don't think it was just to keep him alive to kill him at the end.. i think he saw in harry the child he was and didn't want him to persue the deathly hallows the same way he did (but harry did for some time which was also all dumbledore's for the greater good expectations!!!!!!!!!)

  10. i think he knew what was going to happen. i think he planned it that way. he and snape planned it to work the way it did. at least  that is what i think.  i also think he loved harry a lot.  

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