
In Harry Potter does Draco Malfoy ever go out with Harmonie?

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Every one says they do but I dont know and does any one else ever go out/ get married in the movies or books




  1. No. But there's a strangely large Dramione fandom...

  2. It never happened.

    Although I could see it. Some of the most intense relationships in fiction are about 2 people that hate eachother:

    Hanibal Lecter and Clarice (various movies)

    Sydney Prescott and Billy Loomis (Scream)

    Xenia Onatopp and James Bond (Goldeneye)

    Wesley Price and Lilah Morgan (Angel)

    Buffy and Spike (Buffy)


  3. hahahahahahahahaha! No and NEVER! Draco hates Hermione! He thinks she's a "Mudblood" in other words, it's a foul name for a muggleborn, so a  non magic person. But Draco and Hermione never even liked eachother one bit, so no.

    Hope tht helps=]

  4. no... thats all i have to say.

  5. No.

  6. No, it never says that they were dating in the movies or books, in fact it never said any of the students are dating so far that is... and it was rumored that Hermoine and Draco Malfoy are in a relationship in real life, off set.

  7. Hermione would NEVER!

  8. Hermione? No...Ginny Weasley though...haha maybe (Ginny and Malfoy had a "moment" though shortlived)

  9. No,  Draco and Hermoine never went out in the movie or the books.

    But Harry Potter and Cho Chang went out in the movie Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire.

  10. No, however there are a lot of fan-fictions written about them.

    Also, TONS of people got married in the books.  Especially in DH & by the epilogue: lupin & tonks, bill & fleur, Harry & Ginny, Hermione & Ron...

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