
In Hawai'i's job market, is there a demand for Italian speakers?

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Maybe tour guides for Italian tourists? Or working in a hotel as a translator? Any other need for someone to help Italian tourists by speaking their mother tongue?

In short, is the fact that someone speaks Italian a marketable skill in the job market in Hawai'i?




  1. We have met alot of Europeans in Hawaii over the years, all Nationalities, but most if not all speak English except for  maybe SOME of  the Japanese Tourists. But it wouldn't hurt to check into it, maybe there is a faction I just haven't seen or ran into much...whatever you find out..I wish you luck in your search~~Aloha~~Michelle~~

  2. I do not know for sure whether or not it would be marketable.  Supposedly more Europeans are coming to holiday here in the islands, given the strength of the euro.  But I can't say that I have noticed a lot of Italian, or other European, tourists.

  3. It is in demand, but you would have to create your own company, most likely. This type of niche marketing could be very successful.

    I know of two companies that provide tours to Russian and Poles. It takes a lot of work to get started, and will probably take 2 or 3 years to get a good base of clients.

    You may be able to tap into an existing company and have Italian Tuesday or have a few days a week for Italian tourists.

    Try to local language meetup group and see what you get:

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