
In Hawaii instead of landfills do they throw their garbage into volcanoes???

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In Hawaii instead of landfills do they throw their garbage into volcanoes???




  1. Yes, and man-made "Global Warming" is real too.

  2. Yep, and instead of shampoo they shower in magical fairy dust from the SPAM fairy.

  3. Haha, Great Suggestion.

    Although burning seems a more efficient way to get rid of garbage, the harmful gases and ash that is created can harm the atmosphere.

    So one is left to wonder which method is more efficient and appropriate. Good question!!!!

  4. they would like burn up....

  5. We could, but that would be stupid (and awesome)...

  6. i dont know, why dont you look it up on google.

  7. They are actually contemplating sending their trash to a landfill in Oregon State.

  8. Absolutely NOT.  The trash would burn inefficiently, causing great amounts of particulate pollution (soot/smoke).  Moreover, the burning of plastics releases all sorts of toxic materials into the air....which will eventually settle down onto the ocean to be eaten by the marine life.

    Really stupid idea.

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