
In High Jump is my height good? What is your highest height?

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I'm 13 and 5'10 and the highest I went was 5'0 and i can't go higher. What are your highest heights? and I'm a girl




  1. For 13 thats a great height. But once you get to high school, there are going to be girls much higher than that. I am a sprinter in high school and occasionally do the high jump... My best is 5'4" but then again I am only 5'5" and haven't really trained for it. With your height, you should be able to excel in this but to do really well, you will need to dedicate a lot of time to this event. Also keep in mind that high jump has a lot to do with leg power so if you have that, than thats also a plus.

  2. that's good for you. i jumped 6'2'' in high school but im a dude. keep up the good work.

  3. 3"

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