
In History, Where The Huns Ancient Nomads Before They Got The Name "Huns" from the Europeans? ?

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how was atilla the hun related?




  1. Yes they were a nomadic population of central east Asia , with Turkic ethnic origins

    Huns considered as an historical group that established an Hunnic empire were not ethnically homogeneous but probably a mix of Mongolian, Turkic, Yeniseian, Tungusic, Ugric, Iranic,and many other peoples.

    The first nucleus of the Huns was probably  Xiongnu (匈奴) a Mongolian population defeated by Han Chinese in the battle of lake of Barkol  in year 150 . They, at first,  escaped to the lower steppe of Kangju (current Turkistan City in Kazakhstan)  were they mixed with local Turkic and other local populations along the silk road. This culturally and ethnically mixed population made the nucleus of the Huns. Later, probably for the Chinese pressure on their borders, they moved towards Europe, where they initially stopped around the Caspian sea and Urals around year 300-400 (heavily bothering the Goths, but to weak against a still strong Roman Empire)

    Attila (406-453 AD)was the leader of a loose coalition of Huns with other nomadic populations that invaded Europe in the 5th century establishing an unstable empire, thanks also to some alliances with the Western Roman Empire in anti Byzantine function. Today's heirs  of Huns Empire are probably Bulgaria and for sure Hungary (Hun of Hungary comes from there).

    Attila was succeeded by his eldest son, Ellac. However, Attila's other sons, Dengizich and Ernakh challenged Ellac for the throne. Taking advantage of the situation, subjugated tribes rose up in rebellion. The year after Attila's death, the Huns were defeated in the Battle of Nedao by Romans and allied Francs, CeltsVisigothss. In 469, Dengizik, the last Hunnic King and successor of Ellac, died. This date is seen as the end of the Hunnic Empire.

  2. Attila was a Hunnic king, hence the title, "the Hun".  If memory serves correctly, the term Hun is derived from Hunni, first used by an Armenian historian to refer to them.

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