
In Iceland do they really eat hot dogs made from lamb? Is it true?

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In Iceland do they really eat hot dogs made from lamb? Is it true?




  1. get a life debra.s!!!!!!!

  2. My answer would've been exactly what Debra said. Word for word!.

  3. Yes, it's true.

  4. While Teagan W gropes for a life, you might be interested to know that many cultures make sausages with lamb.  It's common, for example, in Europe.  And very delicious.

  5. what do you think

  6. Debra S is right lamb is a staple meat of the Icelandic people for the sausages and rullapelsa or a smoked rolled roast, some what like a smoked ham in N. America for Xmas time.

    It is hard to find those type of hot dogs outside of Iceland, I had one in Singapore from a Filipino company, more like a beef weiner in the US, not to spicy.

  7. Just writing about it brings the titillating aromas to the forefront of my mind. I can almost smell the pylsur (Icelandic term for hot dog) now. It is almost unnatural how easily I can picture standing there, freezing as the cold hard wind blows in from the docks across the street clutching my eina med öllu (“one with everything on it”) in on hand and a (full fat) coke served in a paper cup in the other. The sweet yellow remoladi sauce gooey and delicious slowly dripping over the dog which is made predominantly with lamb meat (and only good meat, none of the leftover innards and bones business they give you in the rest of the world) on a bed of crispy fried onions sprinkled onto a soft bun. Great Ódin’s Raven, it’s enough to bring a single tear to my eye.

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