
In India, where one fifth of the human race reside, it is a criminal act to reveal the gender of a fetus to?

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the parents. Its also a crime to abort a fetus based on its gender alone as the reason. This is very strictly enforced. Clinics, doctors, nurses, Ultrasound operators, mother to be, father to be or any other family member who took part in a decision either to determine the s*x of the fetus OR abort it will go to jail.

What is the opinion of the pro-choice feminists in other parts of the world on this?




  1. D'uh.  Obviously this is an attempt by the Indian govt to prevent the abortion of female foetuses.  This has happened on such a massive scale in China that the population's s*x ratio is seriously out of whack and many millions of Chinese men cannot find a partner:

    Again obviously, many feminists support measures to prevent s*x-selective abortion (not abortion for other serious reasons), as it reflects the low value placed on females in a society.

    [I live in Australia.]

  2. Zucchini and others paint a picture that questions the core of Indian (Hindu and Muslim) and Chinese cultures.  If boys are more valuable, then why are you seeking to deprive so very many of them of the chance to have a partner?  It must be strictly enforced.

    Can you excuse the high male suicide rates due, I believe in part at least, to hoplessness and lonliness that derives from this policy?  I think not.

    Can you excuse the trade in female children who are unwanted with your "Hindu-no harm" dogma, or Islamic beliefs.? I think not.

    Your beliefs are yours to hold, but that does not make your belief correct that girls should be aborted.  You may believe that you can distance yourself from responsibility for beliefs by claiming you will be reincarnated, but that is a weakness either in your character, or your faith, and I condemn it anyway.

  3. The choice to be conceived is not made by the foetus, rather it is made by the parents of this foetus, and thus the foetus should not be punished for the faulty actions of the parties who commited said offence.

  4. The law is being violated.  At one clinic out of 8000 abortions 7999 were female only one male.  

    As you know according to a sexist religion only men can light the parent funeral pyre and parents want boys so they will go to heaven.

    EDIT No this is fact- reported on CNN.   When they reported that in some areas brothers are sharing a spouse because of the lack of females.

  5. They are doing this b/c the Muslim religion...which a good part of India know for aborting female children.  They are even doing it here in the US.  

    China has been doing this for years, a male child was worth more then a female child.(at least they are no longer used for target practice)  but it's created a real problem with the male to female ratio in china.  Another interesting note China has the highest male suicide rate of any country.

    I agree with this law...abortion shouldnt be based on s*x.

    plus you cant tell a child's s*x until the sixth seventh month, I don't agree with third trimester abortions.

  6. I had an abortion because I was 15.

    It had Nothing to do with gender

  7. My opinion is that clearly the law is constantly flouted and no one is doing anything about it.

    If Indian men could appreciate HOW MUCH Indian women slave away (OFTEN LITERALLY) to keep a family going then maybe things would change a bit. There are MUCH higher suicide rates for women than men in parts of India (in the Western world the opposite is true) - many of the farmers who suicide are female.

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