
In Indiana, I signed a contract for a car however didn't take it off the lot. Responsible?

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I signed a contract to buy a car today but I am to come back tomorrow to show proof of insurance. I do NOT have possession of the car YET. Am I still obligated to the agreement?




  1. no but if you gave them money down they can keep it

  2. Yes...once you since, the contract is binding. If you are a no-show, they can pursue legal means to make you pay for the car since you signed on the agreement.

  3. Yes, you're obligated.

    No, you don't have "like 30 days or so to return it". No state allows you to return a vehicle once you've signed for it.

    Your only out is that you have not taken possession. Calmly try to work with the dealer. If they refuse, they can, as the law is on their side. However, they are not legally bound to take the car back.

    **SIDE NOTE** - Folks, there is no "buyer's remorse", "right of recision" or anything similar on vehicle purchases. Not sure why that keeps popping up.

  4. In Illinois you have like 30 days or so many miles to return it.

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