
In Indiana what happens when you don't pay child support?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know what is going to happen...If he is just going to get a slap on the wrist I don't want to spend my time and money to go downtown and file something he is never going to pay. But if there are real consequences then it would be worth me time.




  1. They whack off his pee-pee! It makes perfect sense. Why allow a man to father more children he may not support in the future?

  2. its one of the most punished crimes out there, could lose drivers license

  3. you owe your child/children the time and money to file the papers to get child support..they deserve it...cause it helps with their needs..

    so you really need to file the papers...if he doesnt pay each month he will go into arrears and he could wind up going to jail...

    the money isnt yours..its the childrens...dont you think theyre worth the time and money to try to collect from their father?

  4. A lot of this depends on where he lives...and how much he is behind...does he have a job...

    i live in indiana and i'm dealing with child support now...they should not be asking any money from you....especially if you have a court are only required to pay $25 start up fee to get the paper work started....and if there is a case/court order aready established u shouldnt be going down there for nothing...all you do is call 327-1800 option 3 and tell them he hasnt paid in so long...if u havent received money in 30 days call that number and they will do a job search on him...if he doesnt have a job they will give him 30 days to get one and if not throw him in jail...and u will get his taxes when he files...and he's license will be suspended....

    Honey i've been dealing with child support for 4 years...and worst for me 'cause i live in indiana and he lives in tennessee...there were so many times i wanted to give up and throw the towel in but thats what they want u 2 do...keep up...keep calling....i called and cussed the child support office out so many times...the kept giving him court date after court date...but in the end it pays off...keep your head up and keep trying.....dont give up...please dont....indiana sucks but in the end its worth it...after 4 years i'm getting 150 a week....and he is $15,000 in the rear....wanna talk more email me.....

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