
In Ireland is it legal for mobile homes to stay in residential areas?

by  |  earlier

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Theres this really dodgy looking mobile home on my road. Its painted black and the windows are covered with black curtains and its been there at least three weeks and i've never seen it move. Just today i've noticed another mobile home on my road. The first one was freaky enough but the second one has me worried they might start using it as a set down zone.

Is it legal for them to stay there?




  1. I don't know about on the road, but you can only have one on your own property for a certain number of months in the year  -  I think it is three -  without planning permission.  Ask your local gardai to check it out, and your council will be able to tell you what their regulations are.

  2. i dont think its legal for them to stay there unless they are visiting someone, have u tried calling the guarda to check them out?/

  3. Sounds like the knackers have arrived.

    Contact the council.


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