
In Islam, at what age must children start fasting during Ramadan?

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I'm 12, and I was just wondering.




  1. If you've gotten your period, you should start fasting. But keep in mind, that if you have your period right now, you cant fast. And boys must fast when they hit puberty.

  2. It is a fardh for the children above 12 years old. If you have turned 12, then it is a requirement to do it.

  3. lol, i don't think we needed to know the last part about when you hit puberty, but yes, once u hit puberty, u must fast. =)

  4. Well when children are in their teens. But a girl can't fast when she is on her period. Boys they can fast the whole month.

  5. when they are able to.

    it might vary from one person to the next.

    but i would say around 8 - 9 years old

  6. Reaching puberty  

  7. Not a certain age i for me i started since i was 8 because i wanted to...some of my friends started with me..other started at  11 but i think that when a person reaches 13 or puberty he should fast !!

  8. when reaching the age of puberty... it is already compulsory for you then.... it has been compulsory for you to fast since fourth grade

  9. whenever they reach and a couple other people i know started training before we reached puberty

  10. It is best to start them off at a very early age, say by age six (both for boys & girls), not only for fasting but also for the solat rituals, reading & understanding the Quran & Hadiths, and understanding Islamic jurisprudence and way of life in greater details. So that by the age of puberty, when everything starts to become compulsory/mandatory for every child, children would have got used to the practice and habit, rendering all rituals that much easier for them to perform right into adulthood. Habits usually die hard!

  11. when a child reaches the puberty age ......but before puberty u can fast to gain do'nt stop ur good deeds...........happy ramadan

  12. My cousins have started since the age of 7 and 8

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