
In Islam, boys and girls are not to mix. What about School? I Live in the West?

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I currently go to an all boys school. However, when I was a a little kid, under 12 I went to a mixed school with girls and boys in the same class room.

Does the Muslim banning of mixing of Boys and Girls only apply after puberty?

What about on a plane, bus or subway is all this mixing of Genders banded?




  1. You can talk to the other gender, but respectfully not dirty talk. So their you go.

  2. With us living in the west things are that little bit harder but yes you can mix however you should have respect and a certain kind of distance from the opposite s*x if you know what I mean x*x

  3. mixing is not forbidden in islam women interact in life exactly like men

    it is all about modesty. if you read about mohamed biography you will see that women was going out with men even in wars the difference is that quran was applied

    and mixing had its own limitation

    best wishes

  4. Since I started Studying I have been to All Boys School.

    But in College we would be Mixed

  5. Yeah girls and boys are not supposed to interact in a haraam way and observe modesty...thats all that doesn't mean they can't be in your presence such as in school, college etc

    I go to an all girls school now but my primary school was mixed, most kids do not start puberty/ reach the age of maturity there so i guess its aite.

    Assalamu alaikum wb

  6. Yes my friend thats right.It is so as to prevent xxxx before marriage.But abt bus stop or subways as i hav too been to western countries i hav seen boyz and girls mixed .there u can lower ur gaze and try not to pay attention or look at females.

    and classrooms if u hav a rule of co education it not ur fault.Keep ur intentions right and try avoiding coming in contact with any girl.Allah is the Most merciful.

  7. good point there

  8. I think u r mixing 2 things together here. One is a public place Like u stated, bus ......e.t.c where people don't nessaraly come on daily close contact with each other where as at work, schools we come in direct daily contact. In the later the causes of mixing is more frequent & exchange of reactions, feeling ....& e.t can easily take place WHICH IS NOT ISLAMICALLY PERMISIBLE.

    Islamically we should provide seprate places 4 each s*x which is not possible in the west. So We should play our role & apply the Hadith in which he tought us that we should apply the adaab (manners) of walking in streets(adaab al Mashi fit Turoqaat).

    Hadith"إن كان ولا بد فاعط الطربق حقه قيل وما حق الطريق؟قال غض البصر ....

    Allah know the best.

  9. I go to a public high school where the mixing of boys and girls occur at a classroom. But all the schools in my county are

    public.  Isnt it okay t to attend this type of school because its oublic and i live  in a country where christianity is a majority. I think its okay. I mean what else do u want me to do go live in the streets so i dont talk to " boys" I ts okay as long as its a necessary school assignment, right???????????????????????????????????...

  10. omg, wow, is this a serious question?



  12. You need to maintain an attitude of respect and cast your eyes downward when necessary. It is nice when subways have women only cars but this is not the case everywhere. You do have to get some experience at thinking of girls or women as human, people with intelligence. You should not be afraid to deal with them in a businesslike manner.

  13. i think that

    you can mix

    speacally if ur in the west

  14. I live in Bahrain next to Sudi Arabia, I go to a mixed school. I am turning 14 and i still go to this school. I am not a s**t neither a w***e!! We are all Muslims and respect each other. All the girls and boys are like my sisters and brothers. I pray Allhumdillillah and read the Quran and fast unlike some girls in Non-mixed schools!

  15. im totaly oposite. when i was younger i was in a schol seperated. iw as 8 when i went to canada and i had to be in a school biys and girls mixed. someimes my dad is uncomfortable with it but he says if its only for work and you dont do anything wrong then ok. if not then totally Haram. im starting highschool next year and i wanted to be in a school that was split but then turned out to eb expensive. unfortunatly i have to go to a public Catholic school.

    its the west...we have no choice!!!

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