
In Islam, can people of all religions get into Heaven?

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Like Buddhists or Hindus. What if they lived good lives?




  1. No.  4:172 Christ disdanith not to serve and worship Allah, nor do the angels, those nearest (to Allah): Those who disdain His worship and are arrogant-He will gather them all together unto Himself to (answer).

    4:152 To those who believe in Allah and His Messengers and make no distinction between any of the messengers we shall soon give their (due) rewards: for Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.

    4:140 Already has He sent you word in the book, that when ye hear the Signs of Allah held in defiance and ridicule, ye are not to sit with them unless they turn to a different theme; if ye did, ye would be like them, for Allah will collect the Hypocrites and those who deny faith-all in h**l-

    4:136 O ye who believe!  Believe in Allah and His Messenger, and the scripture which He sent to those before (him).  Any who denieth Allah, His angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Day of Judgment, hath gone far, far astray.

    Clearly these passages from the Qur'an say that only Muslims, Jews, Unitarian Christians, and Sabians, who were revealed before the time of Muhammad(Salla Allahu alahi Wa Salaam) will Insha ALLAH go to Jinnah.  You have to believe in ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) and Muhammad(Salla Allahu alahi Wa Salaam) to get to Jinnah.  Christians reject Muhammad(Salla Allahu alahi Wa Salaam) and attribute lies to Isa(peace be upon him).  Jews reject both Isa(Peace be upon him) and Muhamamd(Salla Allahu alahi Wa Salaam).  Therefore this makes both Christians of today, and Jews disbelivers of ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) and Islam. Hindus and Buddhists worship many different Gods. Pagans don't go to Jinnah, because they contribute lies to ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) and the prophets(peace be upon them).  

  2. this is not for me to judge allah swt knows best  

  3. no they can't, believing in Allah as the only God and Muhammad is his messenger is the criteria to get into heaven.


    she asked: can they?

    not: can Allah!


    jazakallah brother (Not Afraid 2 Stand Alone).


    sister, their good deeds are frustrated, make their efforts ineffective as in vain because they are unbelievers.

  4. I believe that regardless of whether or not you follow a religion or not, you can get to heaven by doing good deeds and helping mankind.

  5. No, people of all religions cannot enter into heaven.  This is because a person's acceptance of pure tawheed and their acknowledgment that there is only one true lord and creator worthy of worship, and that Muhammad is His messenger, are necessary.

    Some people use verse 62 from the second chapter of the Qur'aan, al-Baqarah, to claim that Jews and Christians go to heaven too but this is incorrect.  As the commentary on the Qur'aan of Ibn Kathir - the most widely accepted one in the world - includes comments from 'Abdullaah ibn 'Abbaas, one of the best of Muhammad's companions at explaining the Qur'aan.

    In it, Ibn Kathir records through a narration from 'Alee ibn Abee Talhah that Ibn 'Abbaas said about that verse that after it, Allaah later revealed verse 85 in the third chapter of the Qur'aan, Aali -Imraan:

    "And whoever seeks a religion other than Islaam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter, he will be one of the losers."

    Regarding Ibn 'Abbaas' statement, Ibn Kathir said: "And that which Ibn 'Abbaas said is a notification that after Muhammad's being sent, no way or action will be accepted by Allaah, except that which is in accordance with the legislation of Muhammad.  As for before that, whoever followed the Messenger of his representative time, then he was upon guidance, the correct way and salvation.  So when Allaah sent Muhammad as a seal of the Prophets and Messengers to the sons of Adam, it became absolutely obligatory for them to believe in him in that which he had informed mankind about, and to obey him in that which he had commanded mankind with, and to leave off that which he had forbidden.  These people are the Believers in truth.  And the Ummah of Muhammad has been referred to as Believers due to their abundance of faith, their strength of certainty, and their belief in all of the Prophets of the past and in the unseen events of the future (which they have been informed about)."

    The Qur'aan was sent down in stages, and consequently some verses abrogated others.  And thus Ibn 'Abbaas explained that the first of the two verses was abrogated by the second.  This was the understanding that Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam passed on down to Ibn 'Abbaas radiyallaahu 'anhu and it has been the majority opinion of Muslim scholars up to this day.  Thus a non-Muslim, whether Jew, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or otherwise, cannot enter into heaven until they leave off what they were on before and accept Islaam.

  6. no muslims believe only muslims going to heaven and people who convert to islam i geuse  

  7. Arab thinks that they will go to heaven direct.

    cos Qur'an is in arbic, and mohammad(pbh) is arbic, that's what they believe!

  8. [2:62] "Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who (1) believes in GOD, and (2) believes in the Last Day, and (3) leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve."

    So long as you Believe in God and GOD ALONE, believe in the Day of Reckoning and lead a good life then you will go to paradise A believer is one who accepts the above criterion whilst a submitter(muslim) is one who has found the way and, found the quran and this religion.

  9. its all on Allah swt. No man can tell. But buddhists and hindus are kaafirs worshiping on idols and humans etc. They will enter straight into h**l without no questions being asked to them. If a hindu or a buddhist howver came to believe in Allah swt later in life, then that's something else and will be questioned.

    Though the unbelievers on the day of judgment won't be questioned and will enter straight into h**l. But again, Allah knows Best! He is the most wise.  

  10. no. if you were to ever read the koran allah commands muslims to kill all non-believers in allah. q 9:5 kill all non-believers until only allah and his apostle are worshiped and hundreds of other hadiths and sura's confirm this.

  11. that is entirely up to Allah SWT

  12. non of us can judge this because we may be wrong. only Allah (SWT) knows all

  13. It doesnt matter if they lived good lives or bad lives. If they weren't  Muslims, they are burning in h**l now.

    ( Muslim= one who submit himself to the will of God and believe in His final revelation ( Quran) and  the last messenger Muhammad.


    LOL @ answers like 'only Allah knows'

    U people are so pathetic. Allah said clearly in the Quran a Mushrik will never go to heaven. In fact, he will forgive ANY SIN, except SHIRK.

    Learn Islam before posting something related to Islam !!


    @ Dawn, its just waste of time to debate with these ignorants. They know nothing about islam and their answers will be only like this:

    1. Allah knows the best

    2.Allah is the only judge


    i mean come on, Allah gave us brain, at least learn to use it properly.

  14. The Qur'an makes clear that Allah sent Messengers and Prophets to all people.  Hence, all people have the opportunity to get to heaven.

    love for all, hatred for none

  15. Allah (swt) is most merciful and he is to judge but how can one be so ignorant of all the signs that he left in this world and not seek for the truth, be grateful for all that he has given us.

  16. Allah Knows

  17. No. Only believers [Muslims] will go to heaven. Non-believers [non-Muslims] will go to h**l. That's what Islam tells us [I didn't paste any verses or hadiths to back this up but if you read trusted Islamic sites or go to, they say the same thing more or less].

    This isn't to say that if you are a Muslim, you will definitely go to heaven. Of course, all of us Muslims have our duty to do good deeds in our lifetime and anchor our places in paradise.  

  18. It depends on which passage of the quran you choose to believe.  There are verses that say yes and verses that say no.  Of couse much will depend on how you interpret those verses cuz I've seen them interpreted differently by different Muslims.  I guess all one can really say is that it is up to God, because each religion teaches a different thing.

  19. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) said who ever believes in God and in his prophets will enter heaven.. :)

  20. only Shias go to heaven

    sunnis follow corrupted path of abu bakr

  21. well i believe that once some1 does good deeds and believes in god he can go to heaven

    but that is only for Allah SWT to judge

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