
In Islam, what happens when a man takes on another wife without the permission of his first one?

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@OMAR>> Why couldn't you be nice?




  1. According to Shariah Laws  a Muslim doesn't need to ask permission of his wife to marry another wife.

    First wife has choice to make life of husband miserable and have him divorce the second wife by conspiring against the second wife and make her look a bad wife and have husband get rid of second wife.   Some women do this.

    She also has right to ask divorce from husband.  Or she can consider the second wife  like her sister and share with her what she loves for herself.

    Most Arab women choose the last choice  when they see no chance to find another husband  depending on her age and if she is not extra ordinarily beautiful.

  2. Muslim questions about marriage never include love.  If a husband loves his wife, he will not want or need a second, let alone a 3rd or 4th.  It's that simple and it doesn't matter what islam says about the subject.  

    God is Love  God said husband and wife.  God created Adam and Eve.  God said a man and woman should become one.  Nowhere is a 3rd person mentioned because the love is gone if another person enters the picture.

  3. It's so interesting to see that many my esteemed brothers and sisters seem to have forgotten why this ayah came down in the first place!

    This aya came down in a time where many good men were killed defending Islam, leaving many women without husbands to provide for them and their children.

    The condition when a man can take on a 2nd and 3d, 4th wife  is very clear: to protect defenceless orphans ands widows. This is the first condition that has to be fullfilled to take another wife.

    To marry for any other reason is wrong.... so a nice young virgin bride you lust after, or a woman who can give you a child if your wife can't, or if your wife falls ill..... or if you life in another state.... ALL not valid reasons to marry a 2nd wife!!!!

    Than, if you cannot be just to both of them, marry only one. Now, ANY man who would state that he would feel the same love for 2 women, will be a liar. NO man can love 2 women equally, he'll will always love one more.

    And the first wife can seek divorce if her husband marries a second one.

    If she really wants to protect herself and her rights, she can lay this down in her Nikkah; that a 2nd wife without her permission is a reason for divorce. If her husband to be agrees to this, she can have a very easy divorce.

    Wolf, i feel sorry for your sister...... you seem so brainwashed to me. Inshallah you are and always will be happy. I sincerely hope your husband will never feel the need for a 3d wife.

  4. In Islam, there is NO NEED to take permission before marrying the second one! Look at the responses from the Muslims themselves, if u cant believe a Non-Muslim!

    A man is superior, a man is a 'degree' above a woman.

    He can beat and will not be questioned about it.

    Any Muslim who says women and men are equal is a total liar!

    Instead of asking them, look at the Quran and ahadith yourself.

  5. absolutely no permission required according to Glorious Quran..

    weather people like it or not,,Glorious Quran doesnt go around their likes and dislikes,,this is what it is, and no innovation in any command or law of Allah Allmighty in Glorious Quran,people have to bend and not Glorious Quran

  6. I see the tale of the thumbs on these answer (angry women who don't like the truth and I don't blame them) and it makes me hesitant to answer. But, the truth is that a husband is not required to seek his wifes permission nor even notify her that he is seeking a second wife. Also, the first answerer is technically wrong too...a second wife is not grounds for a divorce because a second wife is allowed in Islam. He is right though that maybe she could later say that he didn't care for her properly due to the other wife or wives. Bring on the thumbs down! LOL

  7. first off the brother doesn't need permission from his wife to take another,but it is recommended that he inform his wife of his plans to do so. a sister shouldn't deny a brother this right UNLESS she KNOWS he cannot be fair and just to BOTH,then only then can she ask for divorce. to simply ask for one if he's in the position to do so is haraam. but he really doesn't need her permission. why are sisters quick to deny a man his rights especially if all of yours are given.

    no i'm not but when and if my husband can afford to do so i will not deny him his right as long as i'm given mine. unlike others i take from authentic Qu'ran and Sunnah and do not deny any ayat of it.

    just because you don't like somethin in Qu'ran and Sunnah doesn't mean you can or should deny it. part of being muslim and practicing islaam is to accept all of it and not deny any of it. it's part of the articles of faith.

  8. if that happens she has the right to be divorced

    she has to be notified otherwise the 2ND marriage is invalid and void

    and these are LAWS that are done in Islamic countries , the only thing that most Islamic countries now follow Islamic rules in is marriage

    *Edit : i was wrong , they don't have to take the wife permission nor infrom her . it's a low in Egypt that she has to be informed so i assumed it's related to islam

    i'm sorry again

  9. Why should she not?

    Does she want him to apply the other verses which allow him to beat her if she does not do as he tells her, especially now that she's not following islam to allow him to marry more?

    Islam makes sure the man wins!


    Dear.... I'm only telling you the facts....honestly....I can give you the verses that the man can use if he wants to be nasty and have his's better I tell...than you finding out later on...

  10. A better question: why couldn't Islam be nice to women?

  11. basically its mutah.

    its halal.

    thats the way it is.

  12. The situation could be used by the first wife for the basis of divorce.

  13. Nothing.  The Qur'an gives permission for him to do so.

  14. Allah gave the man the right to marry upto 4, but one is better.  so the permission is already granted.

    Why is this allowed?

    It has a lot of wisdom in it.  One must read books(etc) on the topic and observe those who have experienced.

    Note also the fact that men in pre-islaamic time were allowed to take countless amount of wives.  And notice also the fact that men today in the west are legally not allowed to take more than one wife, BUT allowed to have relation with as many of them as they want.

    And what if she never finds out about it? Isn't it wrong that she doesn't know? Is it okay to hide it?

    well... she should find out about it I think.  how would she know her rights, and how would the other wife know her rights also?  They are to be treated equal. remember?

  15. It is not necessary for a man to take permission from his wife/wives when marrying another women.Its lawful in Islam and if Allah allows a person to do something than there is no need for him to ask for the permission of any other.

    Islam allows a man to marry 4 women, but on a condition that he will deal them all equally and this term is not easy at all.Remember whoever will fail to do so, he will be punished for not dealing with his wives justly.

  16. nothing...because there is no ayaat nor an authentic hadeeth that says' he needs her permission to do so.

  17. Wolf gives this speech all the time, but at other times she says she would divorce her husband if he took a third.

    A woman may divorce her husband.  A polygamous marriage could weaken her iman and if it is going to hurt her in her religion, she should find someone new or live alone.

    Not all men are so arrogant to even want a second wife, don't worry about it so much, try to find someone humble with good faith that realizes polygamy is dangerous territory in most cases.

    He doesn't 'need' permission to do so, but if he goes and does something like that without consenting you, he is not worth it.  If a man did that that would mean his relationship with his first wife was not even a real relationship...

    We shouldn't need a hadith to prove what is plain old common sense :  if you go and get married behind your wife's back, you're a kind of worthless.

  18. Nothing. He is allowed to take another wife without informing the first.

  19. A man can not be denyed his rights.  The Qur'an and strong Hadiths are for all times. Not just for the prophets(peace be upon them).  I'm the 2nd and last wife. I'm also American.  I had to get married in order to be provided for, as I couldn't get a job, and can only work in certain jobs and on minimum wage salary. There is no way I could have supported myself on just a high school diploma and only be able to work a limited number of hours. Also getting married, helped me learn more about my religion(I was a revert to Islam for 17 days before getting married).  I knew I was the last wife before I got married and though it took me 10 months of my marriage to accept being the last wife I love my co-wife like a sister and pray to ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) that she is blessed with lots of children.  It is the man's right to have children. This is one of his rights over the women and no woman should deny the man this right.  It is haraam for a man to have a secret marriage. He should inform his first wife of his decision to take a second, third, or fourth wife and should be able to treat them all equally and fairly.  If the marriage is secret, then his marriage is haraam.  But if the community knows he is married to that woman and both their parents know it's not haraam.

  20. I'll slap him and divorce him bcoz he is not worth my love

    I am laughing at WOLF..She is a high level supporter of polygamy.Interestingly,she states in all her answers that "im a co-wife and LAST wife"..LOL..why are you so insecure..I am sure deep inside you fear highly that ur man will marry again.He may have said the same to his first wife"u r my last wife" lol..It seems to me that he will take one ro 2 more wives..bcoz as you claim,4 wives are halal:- )isn't it??

    wolf,if u r so obsessed with the whole idea of polygamy,why wn't u let ur husband marry until 4??

    Hypocritical uh??

    Pls stop making urself a fool infront of all..

    More strangily,i am so astonished reading ur reason for marriage.U married so u could ahve a good job and earn more!!Wow,how stange..

  21. Salam for you dear .If a man took another wife without the permission of his first wife which is called siri marriage,there are 2 possibilities:

    1)If she dislike her husband's second marriage,she can ask a divorce from her husband through the office of religion affairs

    2)If she has no objection in line with hadits of Muhammad pbuh,she should keep be patient and she will be rewarded heaven.

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