
In Islam, why do Muslims only pray 5 times a day?

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Since I am a born again Christian, I get to pray to God constantly. About everything.

Why does Islam limit Muslims to only pray 5 times a day?

Or are these times to set apart for worship, more than prayer?




  1. u got miscued with worship and prayer, praying 5 times is worshiping God.. There are things u must do to pray those five times and there r restriction in terms of worshiping God and u can't miss it . The reason is to test who will pray and leave the things they r doing at that time to turn to God. U can pray to God as many times as u want  but praying the 5 times is obligation its must NO excuses and there is also Ramadan Months where its all abt worshiping God and praying all night long if u can or want more deeds.. So praying 5 times is not easy bcz  have to know the certain ways and the time and if u miss one prayer u have to make it up if u r sleeping u have to wake up to pray so tell me that is not a constant worship......

  2. Sigh!  When are you Christians going to educate yourselves about Islam, rather than spewing this holier than thou c**p all the time.

    The FIVE appointed prayer times are for COMMUNAL prayer.  It emphasis the brotherhood of Islam, when Bootblacks can worship beside Presidents, and NO man takes precedence...not a priest, or minister, or rabbi, or bishop or Pope.

    Muslims surrender TOTALLY to GOD when they accept Islam, that makes their entire LIVES a prayer. They even carry 'prayer beads' everywhere they go, so they can constantly recite and meditate on the 99 names  (attributes) given to God...e.g.  'the merciful', 'the all-knowing', 'the benificent'  etc........

    Sorry but your question is sanctimonious, hypocritical and as silly as a Muslim asking why Christians only worship GOD one day a week!!!!

    And where did you ever come up with that 'elititst' notion that ONLY GOD can judge you, but you are free to Judge and critticize Muslims and Jews???????  

  3. They are holier in Saudi Arabia where they pray to Allah 7 times a day and into the night! It is a nuisance if your hotel is near a mosque and you want to sleep early or sleep at all... Their loudspeakers will blast you out of your bed!

  4. If you really are consciously praying to your god constantly, then I sincerely hope that you do not work, drive or operate any potentially dangerous machinery.  

    Incidentally, was it hard to read this answer while you were talking to god at the same time?  Your capacity for multitasking is truly extraordinary.  As must be your ability to think up meaningful prayers.  I mean you must be able to think of things that you expect a god would be interested in, and to think of them as quickly as you can say them in your head.

    You're right, some people do compose text messages while driving.  But it has been conclusively shown that using a mobile 'phone, even if it's on a speaker or hands-free system, dramatically increases the risk of being involved in or causing an accident.  A car is potentially a lethal weapon, you owe it to everyone else on the road the give the task your full attention, or else just don't do it.  If you cause a fatal accident because your mind wasn't on your driving, then you have effectively killed someone.  And while I'm not a Christian, I understand that violates one of your rules.

    Incidentally, do you sleep?  Because while it might be possible to pray in your dreams, dreams only occur during REM sleep.  During the other four stages of sleep your mind is unconscious, so presumably it should be impossible to pray.

  5. muslims can pray whenever they like...they will get more rewards in their afterlife. it was set that muslims must pray 150 times thats a 5-20min pray each 3mins. so the prophet kept on going back to god until it was reduced to 5

  6. five time prayer is more  than a pray you understand.we do the pray you mentioned every time

    there is a good explanation in a part of this video for your question

  7. Islam does not limit us to 5 prayers a day. In fact, we are encouraged to pray as much as we can. However, the 5 daily prayers are actually a MINIMUM amount that we have to pray.

    First understand that in Islam, we don't take the word prayer like you do in English. We have formal prayer, known as "Salat", and informal prayer, which is what most Christians do when they get on their knees and ask God for stuff.

    The informal prayer, known as "Dua" in Arabic (means to call on God), can be done at ANYTIME for ANY reason. We can pray while walking or while taking a test, or during a job interview, etc.etc.etc.

    The Salat is the formal prayer. This is what you see in pictures with several Muslims lined up in rows, bowing and prostrating together. These are done at specific (5) times during the day.

    However, we can still do voluntary formal prayer (salat) as often as we want. But the minimum must be done at specific times.

    There is wisdom behind this method.

    Most people wake up, shower, dress, eat, then head for work or school.

    Muslims wake up, PRAY, shower, dress, eat, then head for work or school.

    Most stop work around noon to eat lunch.

    Muslims (should) stop work around noon to PRAY then eat lunch.

    Most stop working in the afternoon and head home.

    Muslims stop work in the afternoon and head home and PRAY.

    Most eat dinner around sundown.

    Muslim PRAY at sundown, then eat dinner.

    Some people do pray before going to bed. Usually the informal, asking God for stuff prayer.

    Muslims can do that, but must also make the formal prayer as well before bedtime.

    So for most people, their days are based around working and eating.

    Since we have to pray 5 times a day, we are always concerned about the next prayer, therefore always have prayer on our minds, therefore always have God on our minds.

    Hope this helps, and peace be unto you.

  8. so you get on your hands and knees face towards Jerusalem or Bethlehem more than 5 times a day and pray  

  9. "Only"?

    Isn't that enough?

    They need to pray at daybreak and at sunset and thrice in between!?

    It's not negotiable.

    And, you should see how they must pray!?

    And, you say you pray "constantly"?

    Give me a break!?



  10. Muslims don't *ONLY* pray 5 times a day. Muslims pray ( 5 daily worship  rituals) at least 5 times but they can pray as many times as they want. especially in Ramadan many Muslims stay up all night worshiping.

    the concept of "praying" in Christianity is what we call supplications. we supplicate constantly.

  11. If you are a Cristian as you say you should now that is sinful to be immoderate even in praying.

    There is people with bigger problems than your I pod not working and God cannot hear them of your continues nagging.

    Also Muslims have to “have to” pray 5 times any thing els is on them while you don't have to do any praying!

  12. I think they can pray more than 5 times. I think those 5 times are set times like devotionals.

  13. There are two types of prayers in Islam.  The prayer we do 5 times a day is the formal prayer and is called Salat.  The rest of the time is for personal prayers.  It's not that we only pray 5 times a day; it's just that we pray a particular kind of prayer at those times.  

    Islam means surrendering to God and that means always living our lives in ways that are pleasing to God.

  14. christians pray all day because they have far too much to be forgiven for.


  15. In Israel, I had an Arab serviceman tell me Muslims fast for 40 days, while Jews only fast for 1 day. I pointed out that their fast allows them food from sundown to sunrise the next day...& he changed the topic!

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