
In Italy can you tell a native ethnic Italian by a non-Italian just by their appearance?

by Guest10974  |  earlier

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Can you tell the difference between an Italian and a German? How?




  1. yes, germans have smaller squarer faces and light skin and sometimes lighter hair and eyes (blue eyes), italians have longer faces, tanner skin, almost always darker hair and dark eyes and more distinct noses

  2. If your question is addressed to foreign people visiting Italy to know if they are able to distinguish a native Italian from a native German (even if both dressed in the same way) I cannot answer you since I'm Italian. If on the contrary you're direct to Italians native then I can tell you that you can mix up a single German among 1000 Italians (no matter they are tall,high,blond,light eyes,ect.ect.) and any of us will be absolutely able to show you which one is the German. As I've read in a previous answer we do have a special way to walk, to move, in general to lead our person that's absolutely natural,genetic and can't be hided to our eyes.All this without saying the big differences while we are talking (always moving our hands and continuously changing our expressions). Did you ever seen a German ?? It's not by chance that mostly of the best American actors have Italian origins....!!

  3. Not always so easy to do. I would say it's easier to do in southern Italy as southern Italians generally have darker hair and good tans. A German in southern Italy would probably have lighter hair and a sunburn! :0)

    As you go further north, it becomes a little more difficult, as many northern Italians have lighter features, compared to the south.

  4. In the Milan area is not too hard, just look how they are dressed.  No, not everyone is going to be dressed in Armani, but is well presented.  Also, if they seemed to be rather attached to their cell phone.  Italy has one of the highest, if not the highest cell phone usage.

  5. It depends where you are... Northern italians tend to be have lighter features than the southern italians.... since southern and northern italy mixed with different cultures the people from the south tend to have darker hair....

  6. It is for Italians because of a thing called "bella figura" which means a beautiful figure which is how hey look and conduct themselves. Non Italians will never ever be able to achieve bella figura but aim only to avoid "brutta figura".

  7. Nope,

    even when they are on the beach, and many beaches are top clothing optional.

    (I lived there 4 years).

    GOD bless us one and all, always.

  8. i bet you can

  9. Well, I'm Italian 100% but it's 1 year that I live in Luxembourg.

    In Lux there are many people from everywhere but I can tell you that I can distinguish every Italian I met from something that I cannot explain, the way they look (it's not important if they are blond or dark), the way they dress, the way they move and smile. I've to say that stranger people cannot say if I'm Italian or not, only Italians can recognize this.

  10. Facial hair.Nobody in the world has such artistry over facial hair like the Italians. Both male and female.

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