
In Kerala a Temple Elephant kills three persons. Why the Govt are not ban Elephant?

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Yesterday in Trichur, Kerala, India a Temple Elephant kills three persons in front of devotees. Why the Govt are not ban Elephant in domestic areas? Are they using Elephants to kill people indirectly. What is the solution for keeping wild animals in city? What is the work of human rights and forest dept.?




  1. The elephants are the new weapons of terrorism. they will be strapping on bombs next and blowing themselves up ...


  2. Because your government is wise enough to know that if they ban elephants, only criminals will have elephants. Also, smart as they are, there is some question as to whether or not the elephant can even read the signs banning them.

  3. ppl are to be blame, elephant is wild animal the keeper must have pissed him off.

  4. I think you'll find that (a) the elephants were around first, (b) the human population of India can take the hit and (c) if you're stupid enough to bring an elephant into a room full of religious nutjobs wailing and waving their arms around it's fairly obvious somebody is going to get trampled.

  5. What has it got to do with me in the UK!

  6. where ever you are from .please go back there!

    elephants are wild animals  there is no leglistation can ban an animal from being a wild animal....if there were we would have banned al-queada the ira ,red brigade,bader meinhoff and currently hammas and the other crackpot organisations and all the rest decades ago we would not not have the problems we have now,

    lets have a ban on all crocodiles and sharks eating people,snakes biting people and gordon/darling/brown taxing everyone off the planet...or maybe just residents,,,all immigrants excluded of course

  7. What do you mean by banning elephants? You must ban their use in such jumbo fair. It is high time the Government stopped such jumbo-shows with elephants in big crowds.

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